Getting the most out of Wikidata: Semantic Technology Usage in Wikipedia’s Knowledge Graph

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Getting the most out of Wikidata: Semantic Technology Usage in Wikipedia’s Knowledge Graph

Vortrag von Markus Krötzsch

"Wikidata, the knowledge base of Wikimedia, has been extremely successful in building and sustaining new communities of editors and users. Since its inception in 2012, it has developed from an experimental “data wiki” into a well-organised reference knowledge base with an amazing array of applications. You can now come across Wikidata content in your mobile phone, in newspaper articles, and even in aeroplanes. A key towards this success has been the development of a whole ecosystem of tools and APIs for accessing, querying, and analysing Wikidata content. The most prominent such feature is Wikidata's powerful query service, which is based on the Semantic Web data exchange standard RDF and its related query language SPARQL. The talk will give an overview over these developments and focus specifically on the possibilities and current usage of SPARQL on Wikidata."

This is joined work with Adrian Bielefeldt and Julius Gonsior. The paper is at This talk is a preparation for the presentation at WWW.