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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Experience Based Nonmonotonic Reasoning + (Lpnmr2013-paper.pdf)
- Just: a Tool for Computing Justifications w.r.t. EL Ontologies + (Lu-ORE-2014.pdf)
- Keys, Nominals, and Concrete Domains + (
- Keys, Nominals, and Concrete Domains + (
- Towards Practical Uniform Interpolation and Forgetting for ALC TBoxes + (LuKo-DL-2013.pdf)
- Practical Uniform Interpolation and Forgetting for ALC TBoxes with Applications to Logical Difference + (LuKo-KR-2014.pdf)
- Brave and Cautious Reasoning in EL + (LuPe-DL14.pdf)
- Error-Tolerant Reasoning in the Description Logic EL + (LuPe-JELIA14.pdf)
- Error-Tolerant Reasoning in the Description Logic EL + (LuPe-LTCS-14-11.pdf)
- The Complexity of Finite Model Reasoning in Description Logics + (
- The Complexity of Finite Model Reasoning in Description Logics + (
- Tableaux for Temporal Description Logic with Constant Domain + (
- A Tableau Calculus for Temporal Description Logic: The Constant Domain Case + (
- A Tableau Decision Algorithm for Modalized ALC with Constant Domains + (LuStuWoZa-StudiaLogica.pdf)
- Detecting Conjunctive Query Differences between ELHr-Terminologies using Hypergraphs + (LuWa-DL-14.pdf)
- PDL with Negation of Atomic Programs + (
- Conservative Extensions in Expressive Description Logics + (LuWaWo-IJCAI07.pdf)
- Quantitative Temporal Logics: PSpace and below + (
- Reasoning about concepts and similarity + (
- A tableau algorithm for reasoning about concepts and similarity + (
- Temporal Description Logics: A Survey + (LuWoZa-Time08.pdf)
- Keys, Nominals, and Concrete Domains + (
- Finite Model reasoning in ALCQI is ExpTime-complete + (
- Complexity and Succinctness of Public Announcement Logic + (Lutz-AAMAS06.pdf)
- Description Logics with Concrete Domains—A Survey + (
- Description Logics with Concrete Domains—A Survey + (
- PDL with Intersection and Converse is Decidable + (
- Reasoning about Entity Relationship Diagrams with Complex Attribute Dependencies + (
- Inverse Roles Make Conjunctive Queries Hard + (Lutz-DL07.pdf)
- NExpTime-Complete Description Logics with Concrete Domains + (
- PSpace Reasoning with the Description Logic ALCF(D) + (
- Reasoning with Concrete Domains + (
- Interval-based Temporal Reasoning with General TBoxes + (
- NExpTime-complete Description Logics with Concrete Domains + (
- Complexity of Terminological Reasoning Revisited + (
- NExpTime-complete Description Logics with Concrete Domains + (
- Interval-based Temporal Reasoning with General TBoxes + (
- Adding Numbers to the SHIQ Description Logic—First Results + (
- Reasoning about Entity Relationship Diagrams with Complex Attribute Dependencies + (
- PDL with Intersection and Converse is Decidable + (
- The Complexity of Reasoning with Concrete Domains (Revised Version) + (
- Complexity and Succinctness of Public Announcement Logic + (
- Reasoning Support for Ontology Design + (Lutz-et-al-OWLED06.pdf)
- Combining Interval-based Temporal Reasoning with General TBoxes + (
- Two Upper Bounds for Conjunctive Query Answering in SHIQ + (LutzDL08.pdf)
- The Complexity of Conjunctive Query Answering in Expressive Description Logics + (LutzIJCAR08.pdf)
- A Tableau Algorithm for DLs with Concrete Domains and GCIs + (LutzMilicic-DL-2005.pdf)
- Description Logics with Concrete Domains and Functional Dependencies + (
- A Tableau Algorithm for DLs with Concrete Domains and GCIs + (LutzMilicic-JAR-07.pdf)
- A Tableau Algorithm for Description Logics with Concrete Domains and General TBoxes + (LutzMilicic-JAR06.pdf)
- Description Logics with Concrete Domains and Functional Dependencies + (LutzMilicic-LTCS-04-06.pdf)