Happy World Logic Day 2022!

From International Center for Computational Logic
News of January 14, 2022

Happy World Logic Day 2022!

In a way, the capacity to reason logically about the world is at the core of what defines human beings. It is not uncommon to apply the label "rational" or "logical animal" to a human being. More so across scientific disciplines: To rationally infer facts from given information is likewise important to the natural and social sciences as well as the humanities. At ICCL, logic is central to research in many areas, such as Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Semantic Technologies, and Abstract Argumentation.

To promote public awareness of the relevance of logic in the development of knowledge, science, and technology, UNESCO in association with the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH) declared January 14th World Logic Day.

A pioneering step toward this goal was the establishment of TU Dresden's international MSc programme in Computational Logic in 1997. For more than two decades, the program has offered a broad range of courses that highlight the role of logic in computer science. Since 2020, the newly launched Logical Modelingoffers these topics under the roof of the interdisciplinary MSc program Computational Modeling and Simulation', integrating logical methods into further areas of theoretical and applied research.

ICCL wishes all students, researchers, and practitioners of logic a happy World Logic Day 2022!