Extending EL++ with Linear Constraints on the Probability of Axioms

From International Center for Computational Logic

Extending EL++ with Linear Constraints on the Probability of Axioms

Talk by Marcelo Finger
  • Location: APB 3027
  • Start: 23. July 2019 at 1:30 pm
  • End: 23. July 2019 at 3:00 pm
  • iCal
Abstract: One of the main reasons to employ a description logic such as EL++ is the fact that it has efficient, polynomial-time algorithmic properties such as deciding consistency and inferring subsumption. However, simply by adding negation of concepts to it, we obtain the expressivity of description logics whose decision procedure is ExpTime-complete. Similar complexity explosion occurs if we add probability assignments on concepts. To lower the resulting complexity, we instead concentrate on assigning probabilities to Axioms/GCIs. We show that the consistency detection problem for such a probabilistic description logic is NP-complete, and present a linear algebraic deterministic algorithm to solve it, using the column generation technique. We also examine algorithms for the probabilistic extension problem, which consists of inferring the minimum and maximum probabilities for a new axiom, given a consistent probabilistic knowledge base.

Future work aims at finding fragments of probabilistic EL++ which are tractable.