EMCL (offered until 2017)
From International Center for Computational Logic
EMCL (offered until 2017)
European Master's Program in Computational Logic

Research group
- Sebastian Rudolph
- Franz Baader
- Steffen Hölldobler
- Michael Schroeder
- Christel Baier
- Contact Steffen Hölldobler
- Authors Steffen Hölldobler
- since 2004
- funded by The European Union (EU) Erasmus Mundus program until 2017
The objective of the European Master's Program in Computational Logic is to impart to the students a thorough education comprising both the theoretical and practical knowledge required for professional practive in Computational Logic, to give him a profound insight into the various disciplines of Computational Logic and to strengthen his ability to work according to scientific methods.
Proceedings Articles
Sebastian Rudolph, Lukas Schweizer, Satyadharma Tirtarasa
Justifications for the Description Logics Knowledge Bases under the Fixed-Domain Semantics
In Christoph Benzmüller, Francesco Ricca, Xavier Parent, Dumitru Roman, eds., Rules and Reasoning - Second International Joint Conference, RuleML+RR2018, Luxembourg, September 18-21, 2018, Proceedings, volume 11092 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 185--200, September 2018. Springer
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Sarah Alice Gaggl, Umer Mushtaq
Intertranslatability of Labeling-based Argumentation Semantics
In Steven Schockaert, Pierre Senellart, eds., Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2016), volume 9858 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 155-169, September 2016. Springer
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Talks and Miscellaneous
Markus Krötzsch
Recent Advances in Reasoning with Existential Rules
Presentation at the 2018 Workshop of the European Master in Computational Logic (EMCL), 2018
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