
From International Center for Computational Logic


Course with SWS 2/2/0 (lecture/exercise/practical) in WS 2016




  • 2/2/0


Examination method

  • Written exam

This course will introduce you to propositional logic and first-order predicate logic. After reviewing syntax and semantics, we will cover some basic concepts like normal forms, substitution, and unification. You will be introduced to proof procedures such as the resolution calculus and related concepts including soundness, completeness, and decidability.


  • The tutorial on Thursday, 1st December is canceled. Instead, we will have an additional tutorial on Monday, 5th December, 9:20 in room E05
  • The successor course Science of Computational Logic starts on 5th December.
  • The date for the final exam is Tuesday, 13th December, 14:50 -- 16:20 in room E05.
  • There will be an additional tutorial on Monday, 21th November, 9:20 in room E05.
  • The tutorial on Tuesday, 15th November is canceled.

Lecture and Teaching Material

The tutorial starts Thursday, 13. October.


History Propositional Logic Predicate Logic

Exercise sheets

Exercise sheet 1

Exercise Book

Please pay attention to our guidelines.

Test Exam

We plan to run one test exam on Tuesday, 22th November

Written Exam

This course will be examined as a part of the Foundations exam. The Foundation exam consists of two separate exams: a written examination for the course Logic and an oral examination for the course Science of Computational Logic. The written exam is scheduled shortly before Christmas

Some remarks on the style of the written exam in logic

  • no exam aids or support materials will be allowed. In other words, only writing materials are allowed.
  • The emphasis of the exam will be on the proofs of theorems, propositions and lemmata from the lectures and the proofs occurring with the problems from the tutorials.
  • In addition, in the first problem of the exam we will usually ask for some definition or algorithm presented on the lectures, e.g. define concepts like substitution, resolvent, interpretation, Skolemization, ... or algorithms like unification, transformation to clause form, ...
  • Maybe, one or two exam problems will be the application of some of the presented calculi (e.g. resolution, natural deduction, normalform transformation, etc).