Projects and Theses in Knowledge-Based Systems

From International Center for Computational Logic
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Projects and Theses in Knowledge-Based Systems



Examination method

  • Term paper
  • Seminar presentation


  • New topics will be presented on Thursday, 24th October 2024 at 1:00 pm in room APB 3027.


As students, you have several opportunities to do projects with us. Here, we collect information about the different modules and some topics of interest to provide you with an overview of what kind of projects you can do with us. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you plan to do one of the modules. We can discuss further topics during a consultation.

We are maintaining an OPAL Course containing open topics with descriptions and potential supervisors. Please look into them to get a first glimpse of the topics we provide. If there is no topic matching your interests, contact us.

At the beginning of each semester, we collect new topics and announce them in a seminar-style event. This seminar is an opportunity for you to get to know the new topics and their potential supervisors. The exact date will be published under Dates on this site. Those new topics which are not processed will be uploaded to the OPAL course.

Module Overview

While the actual project duration depends on the specific module, most of them should be completed within one semester. An exception is INF-MA-PR which has a duration of two semesters.

Some of the modules (INF-PM-FPA, INF-PM-FPG) can be seen as preparations for your Master or Diploma thesis.

Modules Title Project/Thesis? Colloquium?
Bachelor Programme INF-B-510 Vertiefung in der Informatik yes
INF-B-520 Spezialisierung in der Informatik yes
Master Programme INF-MA-PR Forschung und Entwicklung in der Informatik yes (2)
Master/Diploma Programmes INF-PM-FPG Profilprojekt Grundlagenforschung Informatik yes
INF-PM-FPA Profilprojekt Anwendungsforschung Informatik yes
Diploma Programme INF-D-950 Großer Beleg yes yes
INF-D-960 Analyse eines Forschungsthemas yes
International Master Programmes CMS-PRO Research Project yes yes
CMS-LM-TEA Research Project yes (team!) yes
MCL-P Project yes yes

Subscribe to events of this course (icalendar)

Seminar Project Announcement Winter Term 2022/2023 DS5, October 13, 2022 in APB 3027
Seminar Student Topics Announcement Summer Term 2023 DS5, April 5, 2023 in APB E005
Seminar Topics Announcement Winter Term 2023/2024 DS5, October 19, 2023 in APB 3027
Seminar Topics Announcement Summer Term 2024 DS5, April 25, 2024 in APB 3027
Seminar Topics Announcement Winter Term 2024/2025 DS4, October 24, 2024 in APB 3027