Basic Description Logics
From International Center for Computational Logic
Basic Description Logics
Franz BaaderFranz Baader, W. NuttW. Nutt

Franz Baader, W. Nutt
Basic Description Logics
In Franz Baader and Diego Calvanese and Deborah McGuinness and Daniele Nardi and Peter F. Patel-Schneider, eds., The Description Logic Handbook: Theory, Implementation, and Applications, 43-95. Cambridge University Press, 2003
Basic Description Logics
In Franz Baader and Diego Calvanese and Deborah McGuinness and Daniele Nardi and Peter F. Patel-Schneider, eds., The Description Logic Handbook: Theory, Implementation, and Applications, 43-95. Cambridge University Press, 2003
- KurzfassungAbstract
This chapter provides an introduction to Description Logics as a formal language for representing knowledge and reasoning about it. It first gives a short overview of the ideas underlying Description Logics. Then it introduces syntax and semantics, covering the basic constructors that are used in systems or have been introduced in the literature, and the way these constructors can be used to build knowledge bases. Finally, it defines the typical inference problems, shows how they are interrelated, and describes different approaches for effectively solving these problems. Some of the topics that are only briefly mentioned in this chapter will be treated in more detail in subsequent chapters. - Forschungsgruppe:Research Group: AutomatentheorieAutomata Theory
@incollection{ DLhandbookCh2,
author = {F. {Baader} and W. {Nutt}},
booktitle = {The Description Logic Handbook: Theory, Implementation, and Applications},
editor = {Franz {Baader} and Diego {Calvanese} and Deborah {McGuinness} and Daniele {Nardi} and Peter F. {Patel-Schneider}},
pages = {43--95},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
title = {Basic Description Logics},
year = {2003},