Automata Theory
From International Center for Computational Logic
Automata Theory
- Contact Franz Baader
- Secretary
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Baader was appointed to the chair of automata theory in 2002. His chair offers basic and in-depth courses for various degree programmes, and conducts research in the areas of deduction, knowledge representation, as well as computing with molecules.
Professors and Research Group Leaders
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Baader
- APB 3021
- +49 (0) 351 463-39160
Scientific Staff
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Borgwardt
- APB 3023
- +49 (0) 351 463-39209
Dr.-Ing. Francesco Kriegel
- APB 3022
- +49 351 463 38253
Technical Administrators
- APB 3018
- +49 (0) 351 463-38422
Former Members
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Anni-Yasmin Turhan
- Former Akademische Rätin (Research Associate and Lecturer)
- Automata Theory
Former Guests
Newest Publications
Franz Baader, Filippo De Bortoli
Logics with Concrete Domains: First-Order Properties, Abstract Expressive Power, and (Un)Decidability
SIGAPP Appl. Comput. Rev., 24(3):5-17, October 2024
Stefan Borgwardt, Filippo De Bortoli, Patrick Koopmann
The Precise Complexity of Reasoning in ALC with ω-Admissible Concrete Domains
In Laura Giordano, Jean Christoph Jung, Ana Ozaki, eds., Proceedings of the 37th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'24), volume 3739 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, June 2024
Franz Baader, Filippo De Bortoli
The Abstract Expressive Power of First-Order and Description Logics with Concrete Domains
Proceedings of the 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC '24, 754-761, April 2024. ACM
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Franz Baader, Filippo De Bortoli
On the Abstract Expressive Power of Description Logics with Concrete Domains (Extended Version)
Technical Report, Chair of Automata Theory, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden, volume LTCS-Report 23-02, August 2023
Franz Baader, Filippo De Bortoli
On the Abstract Expressive Power of Description Logics with Concrete Domains
In Oliver Kutz, Ana Ozaki, eds., Proceedings of the 36th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'23), volume 3515 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, September 2023
Stefan Borgwardt, Jörg Hoffmann, Alisa Kovtunova, Markus Krötzsch, Bernhard Nebel, Marcel Steinmetz
Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies (Extended Abstract)
In Ofer Arieli, Martin Homola,Jean Christoph Jung, Marie-Laure Mugnier, eds., Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2022), volume 3263 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2022.
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Stefan Borgwardt, Jörg Hoffmann, Alisa Kovtunova, Markus Krötzsch, Bernhard Nebel, Marcel Steinmetz
Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies
Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022), 5503--5511, 2022. AAAI Press
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Franz Baader, Filippo De Bortoli
Description Logics that Count, and What They Can and Cannot Count (Extended Abstract)
In Stefan Borgwardt, Thomas Meyer, eds., Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'20), volume 2663 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020. CEUR-WS
Franz Baader, Filippo De Bortoli
Description Logics That Count, and What They Can and Cannot Count
In Laura Kovacs, Konstantin Korovin, Giles Reger, eds., ANDREI-60. Automated New-era Deductive Reasoning Event in Iberia, volume 68 of EPiC Series in Computing, 1-25, 2020. EasyChair
Franz Baader, Filippo De Bortoli
On the Complexity and Expressiveness of Description Logics with Counting
Technical Report, Chair of Automata Theory, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden, volume LTCS-Report 19-09, December 2019
- Unification in Modal and Description Logics (WS 2022)
- Formale Systeme (WS 2022)
- Seminar Theoretical Computer Science (WS 2022)
- Proseminar "Perlen der theoretischen Informatik" (WS 2022)
- Proseminar Anwendungen der Logik in der Informatik (WS 2022)
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Completed Theses
- Finite Herbrand Models for Monadic Clauses with Unary Function Symbols
- by Muhammad Zahid Zia (14 April 2016)
- Supervisor: Franz Baader, Stefan Borgwardt
- Iterative Ontology Update with Minimum Change
- by Aparna Saisree Thuluva (9 März 2015)
- Supervisor: Rafael Peñaloza Nyssen