Managing and Consuming Completeness Information for RDF Data Sources

From International Center for Computational Logic

Managing and Consuming Completeness Information for RDF Data Sources

Talk by Fariz Darari
  • Location: APB 3027
  • Start: 23. November 2016 at 2:50 pm
  • End: 23. November 2016 at 3:50 pm
  • Event series: KBS Seminar
  • iCal
With more and more Semantic Web data being created every day gives rise to the question: How complete is the data? Though generally data on the Semantic Web is incomplete, many parts of data are indeed complete, such as the children of Barack Obama and the crew of Apollo 11. Such meta-information, is therefore, needed to be managed so that it may benefit the consumption of Semantic Web data. In this talk, we focus on the completeness aspect of Semantic Web data: how to manage and consume completeness information about Semantic Web data. In particular, we first discuss how completeness information can be used to guarantee the completeness of query answering. Next, we propose optimization techniques of completeness reasoning and conduct experimental evaluations to show the feasibility of our optimizations. We also provide a technique, to check whether queries with negation return sound answers, by using completeness information. We further enrich completeness information with timestamps, enabling query answers to be checked up to when they can be guaranteed to be complete. Finally, we develop practical tools to foster the adoption of our completeness framework in the Semantic Web community.