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From International Center for Computational Logic
author = {S. H{\"{o}}lldobler and H.-P. St{\"{o}}rr and {T.D.} Khang and
Nguyen Hoang Nga},
title = {The Subsumption Problem in the Fuzzy Description Logic {ALC_FH}},
booktitle = {Proceedings Tenth International Conference {IPMU}
2004:Information Processing and Managment of Uncertainty in
Knowledge-Based Systems},
volume = {1},
year = {2004},
pages = {243-250}
author = {S. H{\"{o}}lldobler and H.-P. St{\"{o}}rr and {T.D.} Khang and
Nguyen Hoang Nga},
title = {The Subsumption Problem in the Fuzzy Description Logic {ALC_FH}},
booktitle = {Proceedings Tenth International Conference {IPMU}
2004:Information Processing and Managment of Uncertainty in
Knowledge-Based Systems},
volume = {1},
year = {2004},
pages = {243-250}
Proceedings Tenth International Conference IPMU 2004:Information Processing and Managment of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems +
Hölldobler +
S. Hölldobler, H.-P. Störr, T.D. Khang, Ng … S. Hölldobler, H.-P. Störr, T.D. Khang, Nguyen Hoang Nga<br/> '''[[WVPub114|<b>The Subsumption Problem in the Fuzzy Description Logic ALC_FH</b>]]''' <br/>__NOTOC__<i>Proceedings Tenth International Conference IPMU 2004:Information Processing and Managment of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems</i>, volume 1, 243-250, 2004<br/><span class="fas fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 85%;" ></span> [[WVPub114|Details]]4|Details]] +
S. Hölldobler, H.-P. Störr, T.D. Khang, Ng … S. Hölldobler, H.-P. Störr, T.D. Khang, Nguyen Hoang Nga<br/> '''[[WVPub114/en|<b>The Subsumption Problem in the Fuzzy Description Logic ALC_FH</b>]]''' <br/>__NOTOC__<i>Proceedings Tenth International Conference IPMU 2004:Information Processing and Managment of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems</i>, volume 1, 243-250, 2004<br/><span class="fas fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 85%;" ></span> [[WVPub114|Details]]4|Details]] +
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The Subsumption Problem in the Fuzzy Description Logic ALC_FH +
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13. April 2015, 13:07:35 +
Hat Abfrage„Hat Abfrage <span style="font-size:small;">(Has query)</span>“ ist ein softwareseitig fest definiertes Attribut, das die Metainformationen einer Abfrage als <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Subobjekt</a> speichert. Es wird von <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a> zur Verfügung gestellt.
The Subsumption Problem in the Fuzzy Description Logic ALC_FH +, The Subsumption Problem in the Fuzzy Description Logic ALC_FH +, The Subsumption Problem in the Fuzzy Description Logic ALC_FH +, The Subsumption Problem in the Fuzzy Description Logic ALC_FH +, The Subsumption Problem in the Fuzzy Description Logic ALC_FH +, The Subsumption Problem in the Fuzzy Description Logic ALC_FH +, The Subsumption Problem in the Fuzzy Description Logic ALC_FH + und The Subsumption Problem in the Fuzzy Description Logic ALC_FH +