Edit Veranstaltung: en

From International Center for Computational Logic

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Title DE:

German title

Title EN:

English title; when creating new events, this will be used to define the page name (which will not change even if you change it later)

Description DE:

Abstract or other additional information in German

Description EN:

Abstract or other additional information in English

Type of event:


Start of event (date and time); required field


End of event (date and time)


Room where the event is happening


Person who is presenting or chairing; usually the full name without titles

Invited by:

For presentations by a guest speaker, the person who invited her/him

Upload file

Optional file download


Optional URL for the event

Research group:

Related research group (use Ctrl+click for marking/unmarking multiple entries)

Event series:

Related event series (use Ctrl+click for marking/unmarking multiple entries); leave empty if not related to any series

Show on main page:

Events only appear on the main page if this is set to 1
