Research Associate / PhD Student / Postdoc at the chair of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

From International Center for Computational Logic

Research Associate / PhD Student / Postdoc at the chair of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

Job advertisement for: research assistant (f/m) / doctoral student (f/m)
At the Institute of Artificial Intelligence the Chair of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning offers a position as

Research Associate / PhD Student / Postdoc

(Subject to personal qualification employees are remunerated according to salary group E13 TV-L)

starting on 01.02.2020. The position is limited for 36 months. The period of employment is governed by Fixed Term Research Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz-WissZeitVG). The position aims at obtaining further academic qualification (e.g. PhD / habilitation thesis).

Tasks: scientific research preferably in either the area of satisfiability (SAT) testing or in the area of modelling human reasoning tasks by appropriate logics; organisation of lectures, especially of excercises and seminars; supervision of students; organisation of examinations under the responsibility of the Chair of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; participation in administrative processes including organisation of scientific events; support in applications for third-party funding.

Requirements: university degree in computer science (or related disciplines); the ability to communicate and to develop projects in a structured way; good command of the German and the English language.  Applications from women are particularly welcome. The same applies to people with disabilities.

Please submit your comprehensive application including the usual documents by 31.01.2020 (stamped arrival date of the university central mail service applies) preferably as a single pdf-document to (Please note: We are currently not able to receive electronically signed and encrypted data.) or by mail to: TU Dresden, Fakultät Informatik, Institut für Künstliche Intelligenz, Professur für Wissensverarbeitung, Herrn Prof. Steffen Hölldobler, Helmholtzstr. 10, 01069 Dresden. Please submit copies only, as your application will not be returned to you. Expenses incurred in attending interviews cannot be reimbursed.

Reference to data protection: Your data protection rights, the purpose for which your data will be processed, as well as further information about data protection is available to you on the website: https: //