Structures and Deduction - the Quest for the Essence of Proofs (satellite workshop of ICALP 2005)

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Structures and Deduction - the Quest for the Essence of Proofs (satellite workshop of ICALP 2005)

P. BruscoliP. Bruscoli,  F. LamarcheF. Lamarche,  C. StewartC. Stewart
P. Bruscoli, F. Lamarche, C. Stewart
Structures and Deduction - the Quest for the Essence of Proofs (satellite workshop of ICALP 2005)
, 2005. Technische Universität Dresden
  author    = {P. Bruscoli and F. Lamarche and C. Stewart},
  title     = {Structures and Deduction - the Quest for the Essence of Proofs
               (satellite workshop of {ICALP} 2005)},
  editor    = {P. Bruscoli and F. Lamarche and C. Stewart},
  publisher = {Technische Universit{\"{a}}t Dresden},
  year      = {2005}