Corollaries on the fixpoint completion: studying the stable semantics by means of the Clark completion
From International Center for Computational Logic
Corollaries on the fixpoint completion: studying the stable semantics by means of the Clark completion
Pascal HitzlerPascal Hitzler

Pascal Hitzler
Corollaries on the fixpoint completion: studying the stable semantics by means of the Clark completion
In Dietmar Seipel and Michael Hanus and Ulrich Geske and Oskar Bartenstein, eds., Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management and 18th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming, Potsdam, Germany, March 2004, volume 327 of Technical Report, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg, Institut f{\"u}r Informatik, 13-27, March 2004
Corollaries on the fixpoint completion: studying the stable semantics by means of the Clark completion
In Dietmar Seipel and Michael Hanus and Ulrich Geske and Oskar Bartenstein, eds., Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management and 18th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming, Potsdam, Germany, March 2004, volume 327 of Technical Report, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg, Institut f{\"u}r Informatik, 13-27, March 2004
- Forschungsgruppe:Research Group: WissensverarbeitungKnowledge Representation and Reasoning
author = {Pascal Hitzler},
title = {Corollaries on the fixpoint completion: studying the stable
semantics by means of the Clark completion},
editor = {Dietmar Seipel and Michael Hanus and Ulrich Geske and Oskar
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Applications
of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management and 18th
Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming, Potsdam, Germany,
March 2004},
series = {Technical Report, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t
W{\"u}rzburg, Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
volume = {327},
year = {2004},
month = {March},
pages = {13-27}