A Recursive Neural Network for Reflexive Reasoning

From International Center for Computational Logic

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A Recursive Neural Network for Reflexive Reasoning

S. HölldoblerS. Hölldobler,  Y. KalinkeY. Kalinke,  J. WunderlichJ. Wunderlich
A Recursive Neural Network for Reflexive Reasoning

S. Hölldobler, Y. Kalinke, J. Wunderlich
A Recursive Neural Network for Reflexive Reasoning
In S. Wermter and R. Sun, eds., Hybrid Neural Symbolic Integration, LNAI, 46-62. Springer, 2000
The final publication is available at Springer.
  author    = {S. H{\"{o}}lldobler and Y. Kalinke and J. Wunderlich},
  title     = {A Recursive Neural Network for Reflexive Reasoning},
  editor    = {S. Wermter and R. Sun},
  booktitle = {Hybrid Neural Symbolic Integration},
  series    = {LNAI},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year      = {2000},
  pages     = {46-62}