$}-{TBoxes} |Year=2010 |Month= |Booktitle=Proc.\ of the 2010 Description Logic Workshop (DL'10) |Editor=V. {Haarslev} and D. {Toman} and G. {Weddell} |Note= |Organization= |Pages= |Publisher= |Series=CEUR-WS |Volume=573 |To appear=0 }} {{Publikation Details |Abstract=The least common subsumer (lcs) w.r.t general EL-TBoxes does not need to exists in general due to cyclic axioms. In this paper we present an algorithm for computing role-depth bounded EL-lcs based on the completion algorithm for \el. We extend this computation algorithm to a recently introduced probabilistic variant of EL: Prob-EL^01.
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author = {Rafael {Pe{\~n}aloza} and Anni-Yasmin {Turhan} }, booktitle = {Proc.\ of the 2010 Description Logic Workshop (DL'10)}, editor = {V. {Haarslev} and D. {Toman} and G. {Weddell} }, series = {CEUR-WS}, title = {Role-depth Bounded Least Common Subsumers by Completion for {$\mathcal{EL}$}- and {Prob-${\mathcal{EL} }$}-{TBoxes} }, volume = {573}, year = {2010},