Computational Logic
Computational Logic
- Contact Sebastian Rudolph
- Secretary
The Computational Logic (CL) group is focusing on modeling and reasoning aspects of logic-based knowledge representation. We are interested both in the mathematical and formal foundations of diverse knowledge representation paradigms but also in their application in areas like the Semantic Web, knowledge acquisition, argumentation, etc. Motivated by requirements encountered in these fields, we also conduct research in adjacent areas like database theory and computational linguistics.
The Computational Logic Group also has a Facebook page, a Bluesky account, and a YouTube channel.
Professors and Research Group Leaders
- APB 2035
- +49 351 463 38516
- APB 2034
- +49 351 463 38516
- APB 2034
- +49 351 463 38516
Scientific Staff
Technical Administrators
Former Members
Former Guests
Newest Publications
Unifying Sequent Systems for Gödel-Löb Provability Logic via Syntactic Transformations
In Jörg Endrullis, Sylvain Schmitz, eds., Proceedings of the 33rd EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic 2025, volume 326 of LIPIcs, 2025. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
Taking Bi-Intuitionistic Logic First-Order: A Proof-Theoretic Investigation via Polytree Sequents
In Jörg Endrullis, Sylvain Schmitz, eds., Proceedings of the 33rd EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic 2025, volume 326 of LIPIcs, 2025. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
On Explicit Solutions to Fixed-Point Equations in Propositional Dynamic Logic
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN), LNCS, to appear. Springer
Non-monotonic Extensions to Formal Concept Analysis via Object Preferences
In Aurona Gerber, Jacques Maritz, Anban W. Pillay, eds., Proceedings of the 5th Southern African Conference on AI Research (SACAIR'24), volume 2326 of CCIS, 476–492, 2024. Springer
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Towards Propositional KLM-Style Defeasible Standpoint Logics
In Aurona Gerber, Jacques Maritz, Anban W. Pillay, eds., Proceedings of the 5th Southern African Conference on AI Research (SACAIR'24), volume 2326 of CCIS, 459–475, 2024. Springer
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Taming Dilation in Imprecise Pooling
Proceedings of the International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA), 2024
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Multi-Agent Opinion Pooling by Voting for Bins: Simulations and Characterization
22nd International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS2024), 2024
Reasoning in SHIQ with Axiom- and Concept-Level Standpoint Modalities
In Pierre Marquis, Magdalena Ortiz, Maurice Pagnucco, eds., Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 383–393, 2024. IJCAI Organization
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The Sticky Path to Expressive Querying: Decidability of Navigational Queries under Existential Rules
In Pierre Marquis, Magdalena Ortiz, Maurice Pagnucco, eds., Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 574–584, 2024. IJCAI Organization
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Existential Notation3 Logic
Technical Report, ICCL, April 2024. Submission to Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation (WS 2024)
- Advanced Problem Solving and Search (WS 2024)
- Formale Systeme (WS 2024)
- Introduction to Existential Rules (SS 2024)
- Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (SS 2024)
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Student projects
Completed Theses
- Justifications under the Fixed-Domain Semantics
- by Satyadharma Tirtarasa (28 September 2017)
- Supervisor: Sebastian Rudolph, Lukas Schweizer
- Using (Deep) Reinforcement Learning To Play Angry Birds
- by Peter Hirsch (26 September 2017)
- Supervisor: Lukas Schweizer
- Solving Angry Birds with Reinforcement Learning
- by Richard Kwasnicki (23 Februar 2017)
- Supervisor: Sarah Alice Gaggl, Lukas Schweizer
- Solving Angry Birds with Reinforcement Learning
- by Julius Gonsior (23 Februar 2017)
- Supervisor: Sarah Alice Gaggl, Lukas Schweizer
- Visualization of Solutions in Abstract Argumentation Frameworks
- by Rajwardhan Kumar (27 Oktober 2016)
- Supervisor: Sarah Alice Gaggl
- Combining Belief Revision and Abstract Dialectical Frameworks
- by Umer Mushtaq (13 Oktober 2016)
- Supervisor: Sebastian Rudolph, Sarah Alice Gaggl
- Encoding Belief Revision Operators in Abstract Dialectical Frameworks
- by Umer Mushtaq (7 Oktober 2016)
- Supervisor: Sebastian Rudolph, Sarah Alice Gaggl
- On the Computation of Naive-based Argumentation Semantics
- by Javanshir Alammadli (14 März 2016)
- Supervisor: Sebastian Rudolph, Sarah Alice Gaggl
- Navigation Approaches for Answer Sets
- by Asmaa Afeefi (4 Dezember 2015)
- Supervisor: Sarah Alice Gaggl, Sebastian Rudloph
- Intertranslatability of Labeling-Based Argumentation Semantics
- by Umer Mushtaq (19 November 2015)
- Supervisor: Sarah Alice Gaggl
- Implementing a Labeling-based Algorithm for the cf2 Argumentation Semantics
- by Javanshir Alammadli (20 April 2015)
- Supervisor: Sarah Alice Gaggl
- Grounded Circumscription in Description Logics
- by Efstathios Delivorias (9 April 2015)
- Supervisor: Sebastian Rudolph
- Solving Product Configuration Problems using Non-standard Reasoning Services
- by Lukas Schweizer (11 Juli 2014)
- Supervisor: Sebastian Rudolph, Sarah Alice Gaggl
A Grand Unified Theory of Decidability in Logic-Based Knowledge Representation
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Wolpertinger is a fixed-domain reasoner