Towards an in-vitro Implementation of a Universal Distributed Splicing Model for DNA Computation
From International Center for Computational Logic
Towards an in-vitro Implementation of a Universal Distributed Splicing Model for DNA Computation
Thomas HinzeThomas Hinze, Monika SturmMonika Sturm
Thomas Hinze, Monika Sturm
Towards an in-vitro Implementation of a Universal Distributed Splicing Model for DNA Computation
In R. Freund, eds., Proceedings Theorietag 2000 (TT2000) Wien, 2000
Towards an in-vitro Implementation of a Universal Distributed Splicing Model for DNA Computation
In R. Freund, eds., Proceedings Theorietag 2000 (TT2000) Wien, 2000
- KurzfassungAbstract
Emphasizing a combination of recent developments in computer science with molecular bioengineering, a special distributed splicing system (TT6) is proposed. This unconventional model for computation features by a possibility for an in-vitro implementation in the laboratory as well as by a mathematical exact description. The Dresden DNA Computation Group decided to implement such a system on biohardware and optimized all relevant model parameters and components with respect to this objective. - Forschungsgruppe:Research Group: AutomatentheorieAutomata Theory
@inproceedings{ HinzeSturm-TT2000-00,
author = {T. {Hinze} and M. {Sturm}},
booktitle = {Proceedings Theorietag 2000 (TT2000) Wien},
editor = {R. {Freund}},
title = {Towards an in-vitro Implementation of a Universal Distributed Splicing Model for DNA Computation},
year = {2000},