On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 CL-students and staff are invited to celebrate Christmas at our party. This is your chance to make new contacts, refresh other contacts and get to know each other better.
Time and Location
The party will start at Steffen Hölldobler's place at about 6.30 pm.
(Information on the address you can get from Julia Koppenhagen in person, only.)
For having the possibly best program covering all the points below, everybody's support is needed.
- Cultural Contributions: This is mainly supported by the students to show special skills and ideas: acting (e. g. making fun of lectures), playing an instrument, juggling etc.
- Playing Games: Everybody may suggest a nice game to play.
- Singing Christmas Songs: We will sing some well-known Christmas songs all together (see some lyrics), which a student may accompany with an instrument.
- Having Traditional Food (warm and cold) and Drinks: This is mainly supported by the students; as students are coming from all over the world, this is the marvelous chance to experience many different traditional dishes of many different countries; please see the hints below.
- Listening to Music
Food and Drinks
We ask every student to think of some traditional food from your home country and bring it.
IMPORTANT: We don't want you to go to a local shop/restaurant and buy something, but please think of something you can prepare yourselves.
Cooking facilities will be given, but as it is only limited, we need an information who may need it. In general you should try to prepare the food at home and only warm it up, if necessary.
As facilities and space are very limited, you should inform us about the following by 9 DECEMBER.
What dishes are you bringing? (Please also give its names.)
For how many people does this dish go?
What facilities do you need to prepare it?