Seminar Abstract Argumentation

From International Center for Computational Logic

Seminar Abstract Argumentation

Course with SWS 0/2/0 (lecture/exercise/practical) in WS 2015



  • 0/2/0


Examination method

  • Term paper
  • Seminar presentation

Argumentatin is one of the major fields in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The concept of abstract Argumentation Frameworks (AFs) has been introduced by Phan Minh Dung in 1995. There arguments together with a binary relation called attacks are the only components one needs to represent and reason over conficting knowledge. In this couse the students should get an oververview over the actual research topics in the field of (abstract) argumentation. After an introduction on the basic concepts the student will review recent topics (selected papers from the latest conferences and journals), write a seminar paper and give a 30 min talk at the end of the semester.

Learning Outcomes

  • The students will get an overview of recent research topic within the field of abstract argumentation.
  • The students will be able to write a scientific article and give a scientific presentation.
  • The students will participate in a peer-reviewing process.


After 3 introductory lectures on the basics of abstract argumentation the students will select their topics. The students need to write a 5 pages seminar article about their topic. These articles will then be verified in a peer-reviewing process among the students. At the end of the semester each student needs to present his/her work in a 30 min talk.

Important Dates
  • Lecture 1: 16.10.2015
  • Lecture 2: 23.10.2015
  • Lecture 3: 30.10.2015
  • Deadline seminar article: 4.12.2015
  • Reviewing period: 7.12.2015-7.1.2016
  • Presentations: 21.-22.1.2016

Selected Articles

Subscribe to events of this course (icalendar)

Lecture Introduction DS6, October 16, 2015 in APB E005 File
Lecture Implementation Methods DS6, October 23, 2015 in APB E005 File
Lecture ADFs and Topics Selection DS6, October 30, 2015 in APB E005
Seminar Student Presentations DS6, January 21, 2016 in APB E005


March 2025
