Implementing a Labeling-based Algorithm for the cf2 Argumentation Semantics
From International Center for Computational Logic
Implementing a Labeling-based Algorithm for the cf2 Argumentation Semantics
project thesis by Javanshir Alammadli
- Supervisor Sarah Alice Gaggl
- Computational Logic
- 1 Juni 2014 – 20 April 2015
Argumentation is one of the major fields in Non-Monotonic Reasoning and Artificial Intelligence, where Abstract the Argumentation Framework (AF) as introduced by Dung in 1995, is one the most popular formalism. The goal of this project is to implement a labeling-based algorithm for the cf2 argumentation semantics. This semantics is based on a recursive decomposition of the AF along its strongly connected components (SCCs). The implementation should also be compared to the ASP-based system ASPARTIX.