Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Template for collecting most relevant data about lectures. It only stores parameters in properties and in variables to be used later on the page.
{{Vorlesung: |Title=Title of lecture |Research group=list of research groups |Lecturers=list of lecturers |Language="DE", "EN" or "DE, EN" (currently only used when "Lehrveranstaltungen als Boxen anzeigen=true" is set for the Forschungsgruppe) |Tutors=list of tutors |Term="WS" or "SS" |Year=year number |Lecture series=lecture series (optional) |Module=list of modules |SWSLecture=number of lecture SWS |SWSExercise=number of exercise SWS |SWSPractical=number of practical SWS |Exam type=type(s) of examination |Description=detailed description |Literature=literature list (free text) }}