Advanced Logics

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Version vom 26. Februar 2025, 09:49 Uhr von Johannes Lehmann (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Vorlesungsreihe |Title=Advanced Logics |Description=The purpose of this course is to study several extensions of classical propositional, first-order and second-order logic. We will concentrate on aspects of mathematical logic that are relevant for computer science, such as expressiveness, game-theoretic characterizations, deductive calculi, decision and transformation algorithms and computational complexity. }}“)
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Advanced Logics


The purpose of this course is to study several extensions of classical propositional, first-order and second-order logic. We will concentrate on aspects of mathematical logic that are relevant for computer science, such as expressiveness, game-theoretic characterizations, deductive calculi, decision and transformation algorithms and computational complexity.