Die folgenden Seiten verlinken auf APB 3105:
Angezeigt werden 50 Einträge.
- APB 3034 (← Links)
- Augmenting human cognition in collaborative knowledge collections (← Links)
- APB 3010 (← Links)
- Introducing a Semantic Web Portal for Everyone (← Links)
- Logic for Database Systems Implementation (or Life beyond Lite Logics and CQ/UCQ) (← Links)
- APB 3024 (← Links)
- APB 3021 (← Links)
- APB 2035 (← Links)
- APB 3020 (← Links)
- APB 2048 (← Links)
- APB 3030 (← Links)
- APB 2034 (← Links)
- APB 2021 (← Links)
- APB 2036 (← Links)
- APB 2033 (← Links)
- APB 3018 (← Links)
- APB 3031 (← Links)
- APB 3042 (← Links)
- APB 3032 (← Links)
- APB 3029 (← Links)
- Past, Current and Future Trends in Description Logic (← Links)
- Two-Dimensional Description Logics of Context (← Links)
- Visualization and navigation paradigms for triadic formal concept analysis (← Links)
- Relbacoess (← Links)
- Graph Structure and Monadic Second-Order Logic (← Links)
- Querying Probabilistic Ontologies (← Links)
- Verifying Temporal Properties of Biological Systems (← Links)
- Introducing the Gitlab installation on https://iccl-share.inf.tu-dresden.de (← Links)
- Chile – A Trip Report (← Links)
- An Implementation of a Labelling-based Algorithm for the cf2 Argumentation Semantics (← Links)
- Answering Temporal Conjunctive Queries over DL Ontologies (← Links)
- ASPARTIX-D Ready for the Competition (← Links)
- Modeling Concept Learning Problems with Second-Order Description Logics (← Links)
- Finding p-indecomposable Functions (← Links)
- From Classical to Consistent Query Answering under Existential Rules (← Links)
- Framework for the Specification and Execution of parallel Clustering Algorithms (← Links)
- What makes modern SAT Solvers work that well (← Links)
- Temporal Query Answering in EL (← Links)
- Reasonable Highly Expressive Query Languages (← Links)
- Membership Constraints in Formal Concept Analysis (← Links)
- Characterization of the Expressivity of Existential Rule Queries (← Links)
- On the Complexity of k-Piecewise Testability and the Depth of Automata (← Links)
- Improved Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Abstract Argumentation (← Links)
- NextClosures: Parallel Computation of the Canonical Base (← Links)
- APB 3027 (← Links)
- On Computing Explanations in Argumentation (← Links)
- Software Implementation for Taxonomy Browsing and Ontology Evaluation for the case of Wikidata (← Links)
- APB E005 (← Links)
- APB 3041 (← Links)
- APB 3033 (← Links)