Foundations of Knowledge Representation

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Foundations of Knowledge Representation

Lehrveranstaltung mit SWS 2/2/0 (Vorlesung/Übung/Praktikum) in WS 2020



Umfang (SWS)

  • 2/2/0



  • Mündliche Prüfung


  • All examinations will be oral remote exams.
  • The exams will take place on the 22nd of February (Monday).
  • In a first step, students have to register for the exam by following the usual procedure for their study program and module. For students in the CMS program, it is sufficient to register via SELMA.
  • In a second step, once the examination date is known, students must contact the CL secretary ( to ask for a time slot and, if applicable, submit the registration forms they obtained from the examination office. CMS students do not need to submit registration forms.
  • The duration of exams for KR will be 20 minutes, unless another length is required and clearly stated in the email to the KBS secretary.
  • Exams are "closed book" (i.e., additional materials and lecture notes are not permitted).
  • Registration with the secretary must happen happen until 15th of February the latest.

Lecture Content

In this lecture, we will review the most popular logical formalisms for knowledge representation and discuss relevant aspects arising in practice, such as dealing with uncertain and inconsistent knowledge.

Both lectures and tutorials will be done as online life sessions.

The lectures will be done via Zoom, to be entered via the following link:

To access the exercise session in BigBlueButton, please use the following link:

With ZIH-login:

Without ZIH-Login:

Veranstaltungskalender abonnieren (icalendar)

Vorlesung Introduction DS5, 26. Oktober 2020 in Videokonferenz Datei
Übung Introductory Meeting DS1, 29. Oktober 2020 in BigBlueButton
Vorlesung Propositional Logic and First-Order Logic DS5, 2. November 2020 in Videokonferenz Datei
Vorlesung Horn Logics and Datalog DS5, 9. November 2020 in Videokonferenz Datei
Übung Propositional Logic and First-Order Logic DS1, 12. November 2020 in BigBlueButton Datei
Vorlesung Description Logic - Syntax and Semantics I DS5, 16. November 2020 in Videokonferenz Datei
Übung Horn Logics and Datalog DS1, 19. November 2020 in BigBlueButton Datei
Vorlesung Description Logic - Syntax and Semantics II DS5, 23. November 2020 in Videokonferenz Datei
Übung Description Logic - Syntax and Semantics I DS1, 26. November 2020 in BigBlueButton Datei
Vorlesung Description Logic - Reasoning with Data DS5, 30. November 2020 in Videokonferenz Datei
Übung Description Logic - Syntax and Semantics II DS1, 3. Dezember 2020 in BigBlueButton Datei
Vorlesung Nonmonotonic Reasoning I DS5, 7. Dezember 2020 in Videokonferenz Datei
Übung Description Logic - Reasoning with Data DS1, 10. Dezember 2020 in BigBlueButton Datei
Vorlesung Nonmonotonic Reasoning II DS5, 14. Dezember 2020 in Videokonferenz Datei
Übung Nonmonotonic Reasoning I DS1, 17. Dezember 2020 in BigBlueButton Datei
Vorlesung Inconsistency Handling DS5, 4. Januar 2021 in Videokonferenz Datei
Übung Nonmonotonic Reasoning II DS1, 7. Januar 2021 in BigBlueButton Datei
Vorlesung Argumentation DS5, 11. Januar 2021 in Videokonferenz Datei
Übung Inconsistency Handling DS1, 14. Januar 2021 in BigBlueButton Datei
Vorlesung Uncertainty DS5, 18. Januar 2021 in Videokonferenz Datei
Übung Argumentation DS1, 21. Januar 2021 in BigBlueButton Datei
Vorlesung Recap DS5, 25. Januar 2021 in Videokonferenz Datei
Übung Uncertainty DS1, 28. Januar 2021 in BigBlueButton Datei
