SmartWeb: Mobile Access to the Semantic Web

From International Center for Computational Logic

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SmartWeb: Mobile Access to the Semantic Web

Anupriya AnkolekarAnupriya Ankolekar,  Paul BuitelaarPaul Buitelaar,  Philipp CimianoPhilipp Cimiano,  Pascal HitzlerPascal Hitzler,  Malte KieselMalte Kiesel,  Markus KrötzschMarkus Krötzsch,  Holger LewenHolger Lewen,  G. NeumannG. Neumann,  Michael SintekMichael Sintek,  Tuvshintur TserendorjTuvshintur Tserendorj,  Rudi StuderRudi Studer
SmartWeb: Mobile Access to the Semantic Web

Anupriya Ankolekar, Paul Buitelaar, Philipp Cimiano, Pascal Hitzler, Malte Kiesel, Markus Krötzsch, Holger Lewen, G. Neumann, Michael Sintek, Tuvshintur Tserendorj, Rudi Studer
SmartWeb: Mobile Access to the Semantic Web
Proceedings of the ISWC 2006 Poster and Demo Session, November 2006
  author    = {Anupriya Ankolekar and Paul Buitelaar and Philipp Cimiano and
               Pascal Hitzler and Malte Kiesel and Markus Kr{\"{o}}tzsch and
               Holger Lewen and G. Neumann and Michael Sintek and Tuvshintur
               Tserendorj and Rudi Studer},
  title     = {SmartWeb: Mobile Access to the Semantic Web},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the {ISWC} 2006 Poster and Demo Session},
  year      = {2006},
  month     = {November}