Satisfiability for MTL and TPTL over non-monotonic data words

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Satisfiability for MTL and TPTL over non-monotonic data words

Claudia CarapelleClaudia Carapelle,  Shiguang FengShiguang Feng,  Oliver Fernández GilOliver Fernández Gil,  Karin QuaasKarin Quaas
Claudia Carapelle, Shiguang Feng, Oliver Fernández Gil, Karin Quaas
Satisfiability for MTL and TPTL over non-monotonic data words
Language and Automata Theory and Applications: 8th International Conference, LATA 2014, 248--259, 2014. Springer International Publishing
author="Carapelle, Claudia
and Feng, Shiguang
and Fern{\'a}ndez Gil, Oliver
and Quaas, Karin",
editor="Dediu, Adrian-Horia
and Mart{\'i}n-Vide, Carlos
and Sierra-Rodr{\'i}guez, Jos{\'e}-Luis
and Truthe, Bianca",
chapter="Satisfiability for MTL and TPTL over Non-monotonic Data Words",
title="Language and Automata Theory and Applications: 8th International Conference, LATA 2014, Madrid, Spain, March 10-14, 2014. Proceedings",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",