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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Dr. Rafael Peñaloza received the Best DissDr. Rafael Peñaloza received the Best Dissertation Award from [ SAP Research Center, Dresden] for his PhD thesis on 'Axiom-Pinpointing in Description Logics and Beyond'. Here is a [ picture] of the award ceremony.s2010.html picture] of the award ceremony.  +
Dr. Rafael Peñaloza received the Best DissDr. Rafael Peñaloza received the Best Dissertation Award from [ SAP Research Center, Dresden] for his PhD thesis on 'Axiom-Pinpointing in Description Logics and Beyond'. Here is a [ picture] of the award ceremony.s2010.html picture] of the award ceremony.  +
Best Dissertation Award from SAP Research Center  +
Best Dissertation Award from SAP Research Center  +
2010  +
Zuletzt geändert„Zuletzt geändert <span style="font-size:small;">(Modification date)</span>“ ist ein softwareseitig fest definiertes Attribut, das das Datum der letzten Änderung einer Seite speichert. Es wird von <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a> zur Verfügung gestellt.
30. August 2016, 12:11:11  +
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