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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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15 August 2024 11:00:00Characterizing common argumentation semantics using branch evaluations for justification systemsSimon Birkenheuer
8 August 2024 11:00:00Multi-Cultural Commonsense Knowledge Base ConstructionSimon Razniewski
18 Juli 2024 11:00:00Algebraic Aspects of Propositional Logic, and Future Work in Defeasible ReasoningNicholas Leisegang
11 Juli 2024 11:00:00Finite Groundings for ASP with Functions: A Journey through ConsistencyLukas Gerlach
27 Juni 2024 11:00:00Research Lightning TalksAidan Bailey, Lucas Carr, Luke Slater
25 Juni 2024 11:00:00A SHACL primer for KR researchersMagdalena Ortiz
20 Juni 2024 11:00:00Nemo: Your Friendly and Versatile Rule Reasoning ToolkitAlex Ivliev
13 Juni 2024 11:00:00Data Complexity in Expressive Description Logics With Path ExpressionsBartosz Bednarczyk
6 Juni 2024 11:00:00Musings on Graph Data, Schemas, Modality, and CoinductionStephan Mennicke
30 Mai 2024 11:00:00Chase Termination Beyond Polynomial TimePhilipp Hanisch
16 Mai 2024 11:00:00Minesweeper goes Kaboom (in ASP) - and what makes it difficultAntonio Hentschke
25 April 2024 11:00:00An Algebraic Notion of Conditional Independence, and its Application to Knowledge RepresentationJesse Heyninck
18 April 2024 11:00:00Fighting my Proof Anxiety with Lean - The Restricted Chase Indeed Yields Universal ModelsLukas Gerlach
28 März 2024 11:00:00Generating molecule graphs from mass spectrometry results using Answer-Set-ProgrammingNils Küchenmeister
15 Februar 2024 11:00:00Answer Set Navigation alongside Quantitative ReasoningDominik Rusovac
8 Februar 2024 11:00:00SHACL validation over DL-Lite, ELHI and Horn-SHIQ ontologies (or calculating the core chase layer-by-layer)Anouk Michelle Oudshoorn
1 Februar 2024 11:00:00ASYDE: An Argumentation-based System for classifYing Driving bEhaviorsGiuseppina Monterosso
18 Januar 2024 11:00:00A Logic-based Reasoning Framework for Graph DatabasesDavide Di Pierro
11 Januar 2024 11:00:00PAC Completion of Description Logic TBoxesSergei Obiedkov
14 Dezember 2023 11:00:00Logik geht durch den Magen -- modeling interesting phenomena in (not only) food computingWeronika T. Adrian
16 November 2023 11:00:00Notation3 as an Existential Rule LanguageDörthe Arndt
9 November 2023 11:00:00Abstract Domains for Database Manipulating ProcessesStephan Mennicke
2 November 2023 11:00:00Bounded Treewidth and the Infinite Core Chase – Complications and Workarounds toward Decidable QueryingSebastian Rudolph
5 Oktober 2023 11:00:00Knowledge graphs: description, validation and subsettingJose Emilio Labra Gayo
19 September 2023 11:00:00Temporal reasoning with DatalogMTLPrzemysław Wałęga
14 September 2023 11:00:00Representative Answer Sets: Collecting Something of EverythingElisa Böhl
31 August 2023 11:00:00Formalizing "Formale Systeme"Matthias Meißner
24 August 2023 11:00:00On the Abstract Expressive Power of Description Logics with Concrete DomainsFilippo De Bortoli
27 Juli 2023 11:00:00Do Repeat Yourself: Understanding Sufficient Conditions for Restricted Chase Non-TerminationLukas Gerlach
13 Juli 2023 11:00:00How I made my research more VISIBLE? Undecidability Results for ALC Extended with Visibly Pushdown Path Expressions.Bartosz Bednarczyk
6 Juli 2023 11:00:00Investigating the finite-cliquewidth-model property of C².Vincent Peth
29 Juni 2023 11:00:00To Lead or to be Led: A Generalized Condorcet Jury Theorem under DependenceJonas Karge
15 Juni 2023 11:00:00Deontic Explanations via Logical Argumentation.Kees van Berkel
8 Juni 2023 11:00:00Querying Wikidata with GraphQLAnas Shahab
1 Juni 2023 11:00:00Database-Inspired Reasoning Problems in Description Logics With Path ExpressionsBartosz Bednarczyk
25 Mai 2023 11:00:00Decidable (Ac)counting with Parikh and Muller: Adding Presburger Arithmetic to Monadic Second-Order Logic over Tree-Interpretable StructuresLuisa Herrmann
12 Mai 2023 11:00:00Discrete Linear Dynamical Systems: The Introduction.Rajab Aghamov
4 Mai 2023 11:00:00Can AI explanations skew our causal intuitions about the world? If so, can we correct for that?Marko Tesic
20 April 2023 11:00:00A Pitch Rich with Width-Witchcraft – Model-Theoretic Criteria for Decidable Query EntailmentSebastian Rudolph
30 März 2023 11:00:00Adventures in Computer Science -- Grades 1 & 2Stephan Mennicke
23 März 2023 11:00:00Static Program Analysis in DatalogKnut Berling
16 März 2023 11:00:00Relating Description Complexity to EntropyReijo Jaakkola
9 März 2023 11:00:00From Provenance Polynomials to Provenance Patterns: More Mileage for Mere MortalsBertram Ludäscher
2 März 2023 11:00:00Tunas - Fishing for Diverse Answer Sets: A Multi-Shot Trade up StrategyElisa Böhl
16 Februar 2023 11:00:00Multilinguality in Knowledge GraphsLucie-Aimée Kaffee
19 Januar 2023 11:00:00Strong Equivalence in Non-monotonic ReasoningHannes Straß
12 Januar 2023 11:00:00Efficient Dependency Analysis for Rule-Based OntologiesAlex Ivliev
15 Dezember 2022 11:00:00Nested Sequents for First-Order Modal Logics via Reachability RulesTim Lyon
14 Dezember 2022 11:00:00The Relevance of Formal Logics for Cognitive Logics, and Vice VersaGabriele Kern-Isberner
24 November 2022 11:00:00IASCAR: Incremental Answer Set Counting by Anytime RefinementDominik Rusovac