Suche mittels Attribut
Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- A Calculus of Order and Interaction +
- A Compact Encoding of Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into SAT +
- A Heuristic Search Algorithm for Solving First-Order MDPs +
- A formal assessment result for fluent calculus using the action description language A_k +
- A robot control system integrating reactive control, reasoning, and execution monitoring +
- An Efficient Encoding of the at-most-one Constraint +
- Atomic Cut Elimination for Classical Logic +
- BDD-based Reasoning in the Fluent Calculus – First Results (Extended Abstract) +
- Completing Incomplete Bayesian Networks +
- Computing First-Order Logic Programs by Fibring Artificial Neural Networks +
- Continuity of Semantic Operators in Logic Programming and their Approximation by Artificial Neural Networks +
- Convergence Classes and Spaces of Partial Functions +
- Efficient Feature Parameterisation for Visual SLAM Using Inverse Depth Bundles +
- Explicit and Implicit Indeterminism +
- Extended Resolution in Modern SAT Solving +
- FAENSY: Fabel Development System +
- From the Calculus of Structures to Term Rewriting Systems +
- Fuzzy Conceptual Knowledge Processing +
- Improving Resource-Unaware SAT Solvers +
- Intellectics and Computational Logic +
- Logic Programs under Three-Valued Lukasiewicz Semantics +
- Logic Programs, Iterated Function Systems, and Recurrent Radial Basis Function Networks +
- MinitSAT +
- On SAT-Encodings of the At-Most-One Constraint +
- Planar Features for Visual SLAM +
- Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Semantic Technologies +
- Prognose der Phytoplankton-Dynamik: Anwendungen fallbasierter Methoden auf einen dynamischen ökologischen Prozeß +
- Properties vs. Resources: Solving Simple Frame Problems +
- Robust mobile robot localisation from sparse and noisy proximity readings using Hough transform and probability grids +
- Semantik, Web, Metadaten und digitale Edition: Grundlagen und Ziele der Erschließung neuer Quellen des Branitzer Pückler-Archivs +
- Solving the All-Interval Series Problem: SAT vs CP +
- The Well-Founded Semantics is a Stratified Fitting Semantics +
- Too Many Rooks +
- Workshop Deduktion der 20. Jahrestagung für Künstliche Intelligenz +