Standpoint logic: a multi-modal logic for reasoning within semantic indeterminacy

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Standpoint logic: a multi-modal logic for reasoning within semantic indeterminacy

Vortrag von Lucía Gómez Álvarez
  • Veranstaltungsort: APB 3027
  • Beginn: 12. Dezember 2019 um 13:00
  • Ende: 12. Dezember 2019 um 14:00
  • Event series: KBS Seminar
  • iCal
Abstract: Standpoint logic is a multi-modal logic intended at reasoning with different interpretations of semantically heterogeneous terms. The framework offers an alternative to “fuzzy” approaches to the representation of meaning and allows for the specification of “semantic commitments” and “penumbral connections”.

In this talk, I will introduce the logic and provide an overview of its proof theory and semantics. I will demonstrate its expressivity in an application scenario in the forestry domain, using data schemas from the repository Global Forest Watch and concepts from the ENVO ontology. I will finally discuss the complexity of the logic and some restrictions that could make implementations viable.