KBS Seminar

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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KBS Seminar

Update: This seminar is not currently running. It has been replaced by a new seminar on related topics: Research Seminar Logic and AI.

In this seminar, we invite speakers to present their research on Knowledge-Based Systems related topics. This includes presentations of published or accepted papers, rehearsals for future talks at conferences, defenses of very good student theses, as well as presentations of ongoing research. Coffee is usually provided. All are welcome.

The seminar is organised by the Knowledge Based Systems group. Please contact Irina Dragoste if you would like to give a talk or invite a speaker.

Schedule and Location

The seminar takes place most Thursdays from 13.00 – 14.30 in room APB 3027. Please see the detailed programme for information on upcoming seminars.

Recent and Upcoming Talks

2020-07-30 Dörthe Arndt Notation3 Logic: From informal to formal semantics
2020-07-24 Evgeny Erofeev On the Complexity of Synthesis of nop-Free Boolean Petri Nets
2020-07-09 Jonas Karge Imprecise Probabilities in Decision-making
2020-06-25 Manuel Bodirsky and Simon Knäuer ASNP: a tame fragment of existential second-order logic
2020-06-11 Tim Lyon The Method of Refinement: Deriving Proof-Calculi from Semantics for Multi-Modal Logics
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Temporary unavailable

März 2025
