Level Mapping Characterizations for Quantitative and Disjunctive Logic Programs
Level Mapping Characterizations for Quantitative and Disjunctive Logic Programs
Bachelorarbeit, Studienarbeit von Matthias Knorr
- Betreuer Steffen Hölldobler, Pascal Hitzler
- Wissensverarbeitung
- 22. Januar 2003 – 22. Januar 2003
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during the last two decades. These semantics varied in many aspects and it was diffi- cult to find the exact relationships between them. Hitzler and Wendt proposed a new method, based on level mappings, which allows to provide uniform characterizations of different semantics for logic programs. They gave new characterizations of different semantics, like the well-founded semantics or the Fitting semantics. We will apply this method to other classes of logic programs, namely quantitative logic programs and disjunctive logic programs. There are also different approaches of semantics for both classes and we will provide characterizations for some of them. In fact, we will consider a quantitative semantics due to van Emden and a specialization of a semantics due to Mateis where real numbers, respectively intervals of real numbers, are used as measures of uncertainty. Furthermore, we will provide a level mapping characterization of the minimal model semantics for disjunctive logic programs and a characterization for the combination of these two classes, i.e. quantitative disjunctive logic programs