Publications in 1994
From International Center for Computational Logic
Publications in 1994
Journal Articles
Franz Baader, E. Franconi, B. Hollunder, B. Nebel, H.J. Profitlich
An Empirical Analysis of Optimization Techniques for Terminological Representation Systems
Applied Intelligence, 4(2):109-132, 1994
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Christel Baier, Mila E. Majster-Cederbaum
Denotational Semantics in the CPO and Metric Approach
Theoretical Computer Science, 135(2):171--220, 1994
Christel Baier, Mila E. Majster-Cederbaum
The Connection between an Event Structure Semantics and an Operational Semantics for TCSP
Acta Informatica, 31(1):81--104, 1994
Xiaorong Huang, Manfred Kerber, Jörn Richts, Arthur Sehn
Planning Mathematical Proofs with Methods
Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics, EIK, 30(5-6):277-291, 1994
Proceedings Articles
Franz Baader, M. Buchheit, B. Hollunder
Cardinality Restrictions on Concepts
Proceedings of the German AI Conference, KI'94, volume 861 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 51-62, 1994. Springer
Antje Beringer, Gerd Aschemann, Holger Hoos, Michael Metzger, Andreas Weiß
GSAT versus Simulated Annealing
In A.G. Cohn, eds., Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 130-134, 1994. John Wiley & Sons
M. Fathi, C. Tresp, J. Hiltner, K. Becker
Possibilities for Evolution Strategies to optimize Fuzzy Sets in Medical Applications
First Industry Academic Symposium on research for Future Supersonic and Hypersonic Vehicles, December 1994
M. Fathi, C. Tresp, J. Hiltner, K. Becker
Fuzzy Set Optimization in Use of Medical MR-Image Analysis based on Evolution Strategies
IEEE World Wisemen/Women Workshop (WWW), Nagoya University, August 1994
Xiaorong Huang, Manfred Kerber, Michael Kohlhase, Jörn Richts
Adapting Methods to Novel Tasks in Proof Planning
In Bernhard Nebel and Leonie Dreschler-Fischer, eds., KI-94: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the 18th German Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 379-390, 1994. Springer
Xiaorong Huang, Manfred Kerber, Michael Kohlhase, Erica Melis, Dan Nesmith, Jörn Richts, Jörg Siekmann
KEIM: A Toolkit for Automated Deduction
In Alan Bundy, eds., Automated Deduction — CADE-12, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Automated Deduction, 807-810, 1994. Springer
Steffen Hölldobler, Yvonne Kalinke
Towards a Massively Parallel Computational Model for Logic Programming.
Proceedings of the ECAI94 Workshop on Combining Symbolic and Connectionist Processing, ECCAI, 68-77, 1994
Steffen Hölldobler, Michael Thielscher
On the Adequateness of AI-Systems.
In L. Dreschler-Fischer and B. Nebel, eds., Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information, 41-46, 1994. World Scientific, Springer
J. Walther, W. Gräther, Wolfgang Oertel, B. Schmidt-Belz, A. Voß
An open architecture for multiple case retrieval methods
In M. Keane and J. Haton and M. Manago, eds., EWCBR-94: Second European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, 373-380, 1994. AcknoSoft Press, Paris
Book Chapters
Franz Baader, B. Hollunder
Computing extensions of terminological default theories
In G. Lakemeyer, eds., Foundations of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, volume 810 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer, 1994
Franz Baader, J.H. Siekmann
Unification Theory
In D.M. Gabbay and C.J. Hogger and J.A. Robinson, eds., Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming, 41-125. Oxford University Press, 1994
Th. Petzoldt, Uwe Petersohn, Pjotr Kielb, Niels Schütze
Prognose der Phytoplankton-Dynamik: Anwendungen fallbasierter Methoden auf einen dynamischen ökologischen Prozeß
In M. Hilty and A. Jaeschke, eds., Informatik für den Umweltschutz, 259-267. Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg, 1994
Technical Reports
Franz Baader, K. Schulz
On the Combination of Symbolic Constraints, Solution Domains, and Constraint Solvers
Technical Report, Universität München, volume 94-82, 1994. {CIS}-Report
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Franz Baader, Klaus U. Schulz
Combination of Constraint Solving Techniques: An Algebraic Point of View
Technical Report, Center for Language and Information Processing (CIS), volume CIS-Rep-94-75, July 1994. Research Report
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Franz Baader, A. Laux
Terminological Logics with Modal Operators
Technical Report, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, Kaiserslautern, volume {RR}-94-33, 1994. {DFKI} Research Report
Talks and Miscellaneous
Wolfgang Oertel
FAENSY: Fabel Development System
FABEL Report Nr. 27, GMD, Sankt Augustin, 1994
A. Voss, B. Bartsch-Spoerl, L. Hovestadt, K.P. Jantke, U. Petersohn, G. Strube
FABEL: Projektstatus, Perspektiven, Potentiale
FABEL Report Nr. 16, GMD, Sankt Augustin, 1994