Publications in 2014

From International Center for Computational Logic
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Publications in 2014

Journal Articles

Franz Baader, Marcel Lippmann
Runtime Verification Using the Temporal Description Logic ALC-LTL Revisited
Journal of Applied Logic, 12(4):584-613, 2014
Armin Biere, Daniel Le Berre, Emmanuel Lonca, Norbert Manthey
Détection de contraintes de cardinalité dans les CNF
10ièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC’14), 253-262, 2014
Daniel Borchmann, Rafael Peñaloza, Wenqian Wang
Classifying Software Bug Reports Using Methods from Formal Concept Analysis
Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Informatica, 59:10-27, June 2014
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Stefan Borgwardt, Rafael Peñaloza
Consistency Reasoning in Lattice-Based Fuzzy Description Logics
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 55(9):1917-1938, 2014
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Emmanuelle-Anna Dietz, Steffen Hölldobler, Christoph Wernhard
Modeling the Suppression Task under Weak Completion and Well-Founded Semantics
Journal of Applied Non-Classsical Logics, 24(1--2):61-85, 2014
Sanda Dragoș, Diana Haliță, Christian Săcărea, Diana Troancă
An FCA grounded study of user dynamics through log exploration
Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Ser. Informatica, Vol.2(LIX):pp. 82-97, 2014
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Andreas Ecke, Rafael Peñaloza, Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Completion-based Generalization Inferences for the Description Logic ELOR with Subjective Probabilities
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 55(9):1939-1970, 2014
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Yevgeny Kazakov, Markus Krötzsch, František Simančík
The Incredible ELK: From Polynomial Procedures to Efficient Reasoning with ℰℒ Ontologies
J. Autom. Reasoning, 53(1):1-61, 2014
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Markus Krötzsch, František Simančík, Ian Horrocks
Description Logics
IEEE Intelligent Systems, 29(1):12-19, 2014
Karsten Lehmann, Rafael Peñaloza
The Complexity of Computing the Behaviour of Lattice Automata on Infinite Trees
Theoretical Computer Science, 534:53-68, May 2014
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Despoina Magka, Markus Krötzsch, Ian Horrocks
A rule-based ontological framework for the classification of molecules
J. Biomedical Semantics, 5:17, 2014
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Tomáš Masopust
A Note on Limited Pushdown Alphabets in Stateless Deterministic Pushdown Automata
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 24(3):319-328, 2014
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Nadeschda Nikitina, Sebastian Rudolph
(Non-)Succinctness of uniform interpolants of general terminologies in the description logic ℰℒ
Artificial Intelligence, 215:120-140, October 2014
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Luís Moniz Pereira, Emmanuelle-Anna Dietz, Steffen Hölldobler
Contextual Abductive Reasoning with Side-Effects
Journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), 14(4-5):633-648, 2014
Giorgo Stefanoni, Boris Motik, Markus Krötzsch, Sebastian Rudolph
The Complexity of Answering Conjunctive and Navigational Queries over OWL 2 EL Knowledge Bases
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 51:645-705, December 2014
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Denny Vrandečić, Markus Krötzsch
Wikidata: a free collaborative knowledgebase
Commun. ACM, 57(10):78-85, 2014
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Proceedings Articles

Amin Abdalla, Yingjie Hu, David Carral, Naicong Li, Krzysztof Janowicz
An Ontology Design Pattern for Activity Reasoning
In Victor de Boer, Aldo Gangemi, Krzysztof Janowicz, Agnieszka Lawrynowicz, eds., Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP2014) co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), Riva del Garda, Italy., volume 1302 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 78--81, October 2014.
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Enrique Alfonso, Norbert Manthey
New CNF Features and Formula Classification
In Daniel Le Berre, eds., POS-14, volume 27 of EPiC Series, 57-71, 2014. EasyChair
Enrique M. Alfonso, Norbert Manthey
Riss 4.27 BlackBox
In Anton Belov and Daniel Diepold and Marijn J.H. Heule and Matti Järvisalo, eds., Proceedings of SAT Competition 2014, volume B-2014-2 of Department of Computer Science Series of Publications B, 68-69, 2014. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Josefine Asmus, Daniel Borchmann, Ivo F. Sbalzarini, Dirk Walther
Towards an FCA-based Recommender System for Black-Box Optimization
In Sergei O. Kuznetsov and Amedeo Napoli and Sebastian Rudolph, eds., Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on "What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence?" (FCA4AI'14), volume 1257 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 35-42, 2014
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Franz Baader
Ontology-Based Monitoring of Dynamic Systems
In Chitta Baral and Giuseppe De Giacomo and Thomas Eiter, eds., Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'14), 678-681, 2014. AAAI Press
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Franz Baader, Barbara Morawska
Matching with respect to general concept inclusions in the Description Logic EL
In Temur Kutsia and Christophe Ringeissen, eds., Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Unification (UNIF'14), RISC-Linz Report Series No. 14-06, 22-26, 2014
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Franz Baader, Barbara Morawska
Matching with respect to general concept inclusions in the Description Logic EL
In Carsten Lutz and Michael Thielscher, eds., Proceedings of the 37th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI'14), volume 8736 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 135-146, 2014. Springer
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Franz Baader, Barbara Morawska
Matching with respect to general concept inclusions in the Description Logic EL
In Meghyn Bienvenu and Magdalena Ortiz and Riccardo Rosati and Mantas Simkus, eds., Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 33-44, 2014
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Adrian Balint, Norbert Manthey
In Anton Belov and Daniel Diepold and Marijn J.H. Heule and Matti Järvisalo, eds., Proceedings of SAT Competition 2014, volume B-2014-2 of Department of Computer Science Series of Publications B, 77, 2014. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Adrian Balint, Davide Lanti, Ahmed Irfan, Norbert Manthey
CLAS – A Parallel SAT Solver that Combines CDCL, Look-Ahead and SLS Search Strategies
In Anton Belov and Daniel Diepold and Marijn J.H. Heule and Matti Järvisalo, eds., Proceedings of SAT Competition 2014, volume B-2014-2 of Department of Computer Science Series of Publications B, 21, 2014. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Pedro Barahona, Steffen Hölldobler, Van Hau Nguyen
Efficient SAT-Encoding of Linear CSP Constraints
Proc. International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM-2014), Special session on Boolean and pseudo-Boolean Functions, January 6â8, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2014, to appear, 2014
Pedro Barahona, Steffen Hölldobler, Van-Hau Nguyen
Representative Encodings to Translate Finite CSPs into SAT
CPAIOR, 251-267, 2014
Ringo Baumann, Hannes Straß
On the Maximal and Average Numbers of Stable Extensions
In Elizabeth Black and Sanjay Modgil and Nir Oren, eds., Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Formal Argumentation (TAFA 2013), volume 8306 of LNAI, 111--126, August 2014. Springer
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Ringo Baumann, Wolfgang Dvořák, Thomas Linsbichler, Hannes Straß, Stefan Woltran
Compact Argumentation Frameworks
Proceedings of the Twenty-First European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 69--74, August 2014. IOS Press
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Ringo Baumann, Wolfgang Dvořák, Thomas Linsbichler, Hannes Straß, Stefan Woltran
Compact Argumentation Frameworks
In Sébastien Konieczny and Hans Tompits, eds., Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR), July 2014
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Armin Biere, Daniel Le Berre, Emmanuel Lonca, Norbert Manthey
Detecting Cardinality Constraints in CNF
In Carsten Sinz and Uwe Egly, eds., Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing ? SAT 2014, volume 8561 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 285-301, 2014. Springer
Stefan Bischof, Markus Krötzsch, Axel Polleres, Sebastian Rudolph
Schema-Agnostic Query Rewriting in SPARQL 1.1
In Peter Mika, Tania Tudorache, Abraham Bernstein, Chris Welty, Craig A. Knoblock, Denny Vrandečić, Paul T. Groth, Natasha F. Noy, Krzysztof Janowicz, Carole A. Goble, eds., Proc. 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC'14), volume 8796 of LNCS, 584-600, October 2014. Springer
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Stefan Borgwardt, Felix Distel, Rafael Peñaloza
Gödel Description Logics with General Models
In Meghyn Bienvenu and Magdalena Ortiz and Riccardo Rosati and Mantas Simkus, eds., Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 391-403, 2014
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Stefan Borgwardt
Fuzzy DLs over Finite Lattices with Nominals
In Meghyn Bienvenu and Magdalena Ortiz and Riccardo Rosati and Mantas Simkus, eds., Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 58-70, 2014
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Stefan Borgwardt, Marco Cerami, Rafael Peñaloza
Many-Valued Horn Logic is Hard
In Thomas Lukasiewicz and Rafael Peñaloza and Anni-Yasmin Turhan, eds., Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness (PRUV'14), volume 1205 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 52-58, 2014
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Stefan Borgwardt, Rafael Peñaloza
Finite Lattices Do Not Make Reasoning in ALCOI Harder
In F. Bobillo and R.N. Carvalho and P.C.G. da Costa and C. d'Amato and N. Fanizzi and K.B. Laskey and K.J. Laskey and Th. Lukasiewicz and M. Nickles and M. Pool, eds., Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web III, volume 8816 of LNCS, 122-141, 2014. Springer
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Stefan Borgwardt, José A. Leyva Galano, Rafael Peñaloza
The Fuzzy Description Logic G-FL_0 with Greatest Fixed-Point Semantics
In Eduardo Fermé and João Leite, eds., Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA'14), volume 8761 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 62-76, 2014. Springer
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Stefan Borgwardt, José A. Leyva Galano, Rafael Peñaloza
Gödel FL_0 with Greatest Fixed-Point Semantics
In Meghyn Bienvenu and Magdalena Ortiz and Riccardo Rosati and Mantas Simkus, eds., Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 71-82, 2014
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Stefan Borgwardt, Felix Distel, Rafael Peñaloza
Decidable Gödel description logics without the finitely-valued model property
In Chitta Baral and Giuseppe De Giacomo and Thomas Eiter, eds., Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'14), 228-237, 2014. AAAI Press
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Pierre Bourhis, Markus Krötzsch, Sebastian Rudolph
How to Best Nest Regular Path Queries
Proc. 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 404-415, July 2014.
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Gerhard Brewka, Stefan Ellmauthaler, Jörg Pührer
Mulit-context systems for reactive reasoning in dynamic environments
In Stefan Ellmauthaler, Jörg Pührer, eds., International Workshop on Reactive Concepts in Knowledge Representation (ReactKnow 2014), 23-30, 2014
Gerhard Brewka, Stefan Ellmauthaler, Jörg Pührer
Multi-context systems for reactive reasoning in dynamic environments
In Torsten Schaub, Gerhard Friedrich, Barry O'Sullivan, eds., 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2014), volume 263 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 159-164, 2014. IOS Press
Diego Calvanese, İsmail İlkan Ceylan, Marco Montali, Ario Santoso
Verification of Context-Sensitive Knowledge and Action Bases
In Eduardo Fermé and João Leite, eds., Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2014), volume 8761 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 514--528, 2014. Springer
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Claudia Carapelle, Shiguang Feng, Oliver Fernández Gil, Karin Quaas
Satisfiability for MTL and TPTL over non-monotonic data words
Language and Automata Theory and Applications: 8th International Conference, LATA 2014, 248--259, 2014. Springer International Publishing
Claudia Carapelle, Shiguang Feng, Oliver Fernández Gil, Karin Quaas
On the expressiveness of MTL and TPTL over omega-data words
In Zoltán Ésik, Zoltán Fülöp, eds., Proceedings 14th International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages, volume 151, 174--187, 2014. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science
David Carral, Cristina Feier, Bernardo Cuenca-Grau, Pascal Hitzler, Ian Horrocks
Pushing the Boundaries of Tractable Ontology Reasoning.
In Peter Mika, Tania Tudorache, Abraham Bernstein, Chris Welty, Craig A. Knoblock, Denny Vrandecic, Paul T. Groth, Natasha F. Noy, Krzysztof Janowicz, Carole A. Goble, eds., The Semantic Web - {ISWC} 2014 - 13th International Semantic Web Conference, Riva del Garda, Italy. Proceedings, Part {II}, volume 8797 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 148--163, October 2014. Springer
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David Carral, Adila Krisnadhi, Sebastian Rudolph, Pascal Hitzler
All But Not Nothing: Left-Hand Side Universals for Tractable OWL Profiles
In Maria Keet, Valentina Tamma, eds., Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED 2014) co-located with 13th International Semantic Web Conference on {(ISWC} 2014), Riva del Garda, Italy., volume 1265 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 97--108, October 2014.
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David Carral, Cristina Feier, Ana Armas-Romero, Bernardo Cuenca-Grau, Pascal Hitzler, Ian Horrocks
Is Your Ontology as Hard as You Think? Rewriting Ontologies into Simpler DLs
In Meghyn Bienvenu, Magdalena Ortiz, Riccardo Rosati, Mantas Simkus, eds., Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics, Vienna, Austria., volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 128--140, July 2014.
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David Carral, Cristina Feier, Bernardo Cuenca-Grau, Pascal Hitzler, Ian Horrocks
EL-ifying Ontologies
In Stephane Demri, Deepak Kapur, Christoph Weidenbach, eds., Automated Reasoning - 7th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2014, Held as Part of the Vienna Summer of Logic, VSL 2014, Vienna, Austria. Proceedings, volume 8562 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 464--479, July 2014. Springer
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Federico Cerutti, Nir Oren, Hannes Straß, Matthias Thimm, Mauro Vallati
A Benchmark Framework for a Computational Argumentation Competition
In Simon Parsons and Nir Oren and Chris Reed, eds., Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA), volume 266 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 459--460, September 2014. IOS Press
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İsmail İlkan Ceylan, Rafael Peñaloza
Reasoning in the Description Logic BEL using Bayesian Networks
In Guy Van den Broeck and Kristian Kersting and Sriraam Natarajan and David Poole, eds., Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Statistical Relational AI (starAI 2014), volume WS-14-13 of AAAI Workshops, 2014. AAAI Press
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İsmail İlkan Ceylan, Rafael Peñaloza
Tight Complexity Bounds for Reasoning in the Description Logic BEL
In Eduardo Fermé and João Leite, eds., Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2014), volume 8761 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 77-91, 2014. Springer
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İsmail İlkan Ceylan, Rafael Peñaloza
The Bayesian Description Logic BEL
In Stephane Demri and Deepak Kapur and Christoph Weidenbach, eds., Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2014), volume 8562 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 480-494, 2014. Springer
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İsmail İlkan Ceylan, Rafael Peñaloza
Bayesian Description Logics
In Meghyn Bienvenu and Magdalena Ortiz and Riccardo Rosati and Mantas Simkus, eds., Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2014), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 447-458, 2014. CEUR-WS
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Jieying Chen, Michel Ludwig, Yue Ma, Dirk Walther
Evaluation of Extraction Techniques for Ontology Excerpts
In Meghyn Bienvenu and Magdalena Ortiz and Riccardo Rosati and Mantas Simkus, eds., Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 471-482, 2014
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Long Cheng, Spyros Kotoulas, Tomas E. Ward, Georgios Theodoropoulos
Robust and Skew-resistant Parallel Joins in Shared-nothing Systems
Proc. 23rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'14), 1399-1408, November 2014. ACM
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Long Cheng, Spyros Kotoulas, Tomas E. Ward, Georgios Theodoropoulos
Efficiently Handling Skew in Outer Joins on Distributed Systems
Proc. 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid'14), 295--304, May 2014. IEEE
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Long Cheng, Spyros Kotoulas, Tomas E. Ward, Georgios Theodoropoulos
Robust and Efficient Large-large Table Outer Joins on Distributed Infrastructures
Proc. 20th International European Conference on Parallel Processing (Euro-Par'14), 258-269, August 2014. Springer
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Long Cheng, Yue Ma
Investigating Distributed Approaches to Efficiently Extract Textual Evidences for Biomedical Ontologies
Proc. 14th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE'14), 220-225, November 2014. IEEE
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Long Cheng, Avinash Malik, Spyros Kotoulas, Tomas E. Ward, Georgios Theodoropoulos
Efficient Parallel Dictionary Encoding for RDF Data
Proc. 17th International Workshop on the Web and Databases (WebDB'14), June 2014
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Long Cheng, Spyros Kotoulas, Tomas E. Ward, Georgios Theodoropoulos
Design and Evaluation of Parallel Hashing over Large-scale Data
Proc. 21st IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC'14), 1-10, December 2014. IEEE
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Long Cheng, Spyros Kotoulas, Tomas E. Ward, Georgios Theodoropoulos
A Two-tier Index Architecture for Fast Processing Large RDF Data over Distributed Memory
Proc. 25th ACM International Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT'14), 300-302, September 2014. ACM
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Long Cheng, Spyros Kotoulas, Tomas E. Ward, Georgios Theodoropoulos
A Fully Parallel Framework for Fast Analyzing RDF Data
P&D Track of the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC'14), October 2014. CEUR Workshop Proceedings
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Jens Claßen, Martin Liebenberg, Gerhard Lakemeyer, Benjamin Zarrieß
Exploring the Boundaries of Decidable Verification of Non-Terminating Golog Programs
In Carla E. Brodley; Peter Stone, eds., Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'14), 1012--1019, July 2014. AAAI Press
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Chiara Del Vescovo, Rafael Peñaloza
DeaLing with Ontologies using CODs
In Meghyn Bienvenu and Magdalena Ortiz and Riccardo Rosati and Mantas Simkus, eds., Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 157-168, 2014
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Stathis Delivorias, Haralampos Hatzikirou, Rafael Penaloza, Dirk Walther
Detecting Emergent Phenomena in Cellular Automata Using Temporal Description Logics
Proceedings of the 11th edition of Cellular Automata for Research and Industry (ACRI 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014. Springer
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Martin Diller, Johannes Peter Wallner, Stefan Woltran
Reasoning in Abstract Dialectical Frameworks Using Quantified Boolean Formulas
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument, 241-252, 2014. IOS Press
Felix Distel, Jamal Atif, Isabelle Bloch
Concept Dissimilarity with Triangle Inequality
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'14), to appear. AAAI Press
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Felix Distel, Jamal, Atif, Isabelle Bloch
Concept Dissimilarity Based on Tree Edit Distances and Morphological Dilations
In Torsten Schaub, eds., Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'14), 2014
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Sanda Dragoș, Diana Haliță, Christian Săcărea, Diana Troancă
Applying Triadic FCA in Studying Web Usage Behaviors
Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, pp. 73-80, 2014. Springer
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Andreas Ecke
Similarity-based Relaxed Instance Queries in EL^++
In Thomas Lukasiewicz and Rafael Peñaloza and Anni-Yasmin Turhan, eds., Proceedings of the First Workshop on Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness, CEUR-WS, to appear. CEUR
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Andreas Ecke, Rafael Peñaloza, Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Answering Instance Queries Relaxed by Concept Similarity
In Chitta Baral and Giuseppe De Giacomo and Thomas Eiter, eds., Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'14), 248-257, 2014. AAAI Press
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Andreas Ecke, Rafael Peñaloza, Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Mary, What's Like All Cats?
In Meghyn Bienvenu and Magdalena Ortiz and Riccardo Rosati and Mantas Simkus, eds., Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 526-529, 2014
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Stefan Ellmauthaler, Hannes Straß
The DIAMOND System for Computing with Abstract Dialectical Frameworks
In Simon Parsons and Nir Oren and Chris Reed, eds., Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA), volume 266 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 233--240, September 2014. IOS Press
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Stefan Ellmauthaler, Hannes Strass
The DIAMOND System for Computing with Abstract Dialectical Frameworks
In Simon Parsons, Nir Oren, Chris Reed, Federico Cerutti, eds., 5th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2014), volume 266 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 233-240, September 2014. IOS Press
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Stefan Ellmauthaler, Jörg Pührer
Asynchronous Multi-Context Systems
In Stefan Ellmauthaler, Jörg Pührer, eds., International Workshop on Reactive Concepts in Knowledge Representation (ReactKnow 2014), 31-38, 2014
Fredo Erxleben, Michael Günther, Markus Krötzsch, Julian Mendez, Denny Vrandečić
Introducing Wikidata to the Linked Data Web
In Peter Mika, Tania Tudorache, Abraham Bernstein, Chris Welty, Craig A. Knoblock, Denny Vrandečić, Paul T. Groth, Natasha F. Noy, Krzysztof Janowicz, Carole A. Goble, eds., Proceedings of the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), volume 8796 of LNCS, 50-65, October 2014. Springer
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Sarah Alice Gaggl, Hannes Straß
Decomposing Abstract Dialectical Frameworks
In Simon Parsons, Nir Oren, Chris Reed, Federico Cerutti, eds., Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2014), volume 266 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 281-292, 2014. IOS Press
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Georg Gottlob, Sebastian Rudolph, Mantas Simkus
Expressiveness of guarded existential rule languages
In Richard Hull, Martin Grohe, eds., Proc. 33rd ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS'14), 27-38, June 2014. ACM
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Dagmar Gromann
A Model and Method to Terminologize Existing Domain Ontologies
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Terminology and Ontology Engineering, 137-136, 2014. HAL
Adrian Groza, Irina Dragoste, Iulia Sincai, Ioana Jimborean, Vasile Moraru
An Ontology Selection and Ranking System Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process.
In Franz Winkler, Viorel Negru, Tetsuo Ida, Tudor Jebelean, Dana Petcu, Stephen M. Watt, Daniela Zaharie, eds., 16th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2014, Timisoara, Romania, September 22-25, 2014, 293--300, September 2014. IEEE Computer Society
Marijn J.H. Heule, Norbert Manthey, Tobias Philipp
Validating Unsatisfiability Results of Clause Sharing Parallel SAT Solvers
In Daniel Le Berre, eds., Pragmatics of SAT 2014, volume 27 of EPiC Series, 12-25, 2014. EasyChair
Štěpán Holub, Galina Jirásková, Tomáš Masopust
On Upper and Lower Bounds on the Length of Alternating Towers
In E. Csuhaj-Varju, M. Dietzfelbinger, Z. Esik, eds., Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), volume 8634 of LNCS, 315-326, 2014. Springer
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Marcus Hähnel, Julian Mendez, Veronika Thost, Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Bridging the Application Knowledge Gap
Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware'14, December 2014
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Steffen Hölldobler, Norbert Manthey, Tobias Philipp, Peter Steinke
Generic CDCL – A Formalization of Modern Propositional Satisfiability Solvers
In Daniel Le Berre, eds., POS-14, volume 27 of EPiC Series, 89-102, 2014. EasyChair
Steffen Hölldobler, Norbert Manthey, Tobias Philipp, Peter Steinke
Generic CDCL – A Formalization of Modern Propositional Satisfiability Solvers
In Steffen Hölldobler and Andrey Malikov and Christoph Wernhard, eds., Proceedings of the Young Scientists' International Workshop on Trends in Information Processing, 2014
Jianmin Ji, Hannes Straß
From Default and Autoepistemic Logics to Disjunctive Answer Set Programs via the Logic of GK
Proceedings of the Twenty-First European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 1039--1040, August 2014. IOS Press
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Jianmin Ji, Hannes Straß
Implementing Default and Autoepistemic Logics via the Logic of GK
In Sébastien Konieczny and Hans Tompits, eds., Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR), July 2014
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Jana Kittelmann, Christoph Wernhard
Semantik, Linked Data, Web-Präsentation: Grundlagen der NachlasserschlieÃung im Portal
In Anne Baillot and Anna Busch, eds., Workshop Datenmodellierung in digitalen Briefeditionen und ihre interpretatorische Leistung, 2014
Jan Komenda, Tomáš Masopust
Decentralized Supervisory Control with Communicating Supervisors Based on Top-Down Coordination Control
In F. Jabbari and A. R. Teel, eds., Proc. of 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5149-5155, 2014. IEEE
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Boris Konev, Carsten Lutz, Ana Ozaki, Frank Wolter
Exact Learning of Lightweight Description Logic Ontologies
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, July 2014. AAAI Press
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Markus Krötzsch
P ≠ P: Why Some Reasoning Problems Are More Tractable Than Others
Proc. 8th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR'14), volume 8741 of LNCS, 1-22, September 2014. Springer
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Markus Krötzsch, Sebastian Rudolph
Complexities of Nominal Schemas
Proc. 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), 270-273, July 2014. CEUR Workshop Proceedings
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Markus Krötzsch, Sebastian Rudolph
Nominal Schemas in Description Logics: Complexities Clarified
In Chitta Baral, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Thomas Eiter, eds., Proc. 14th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'14), 308-317, July 2014. AAAI Press
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Davide Lanti, Ahmed Irfan, Norbert Manthey
Pcasso -- a Parallel CooperAtive Sat SOlver
In Anton Belov and Daniel Diepold and Marijn J.H. Heule and Matti Järvisalo, eds., Proceedings of SAT Competition 2014, volume B-2014-2 of Department of Computer Science Series of Publications B, 56, 2014. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Michel Ludwig, Boris Konev
Practical Uniform Interpolation and Forgetting for ALC TBoxes with Applications to Logical Difference
In Chitta Baral and Giuseppe De Giacomo and Thomas Eiter, eds., Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'14), 2014. AAAI Press
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Michel Ludwig
Just: a Tool for Computing Justifications w.r.t. EL Ontologies
In Samantha Bail and Birte Glimm and Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz and Nicolas Matentzoglu and Bijan Parsia and Andreas Steigmiller, eds., Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on OWL Reasoner Evaluation (ORE 2014), volume 1207, 1-7, 2014. CEUR Workshop Proceedings
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Michel Ludwig, Dirk Walther
The Logical Difference for ELHr-Terminologies using Hypergraphs
In Torsten Schaub and Gerhard Friedrich and Barry O'Sullivan, eds., Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Artifical Intelligence (ECAI 2014), volume 263 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 555-560, 2014. IOS Press
Michel Ludwig, Dirk Walther
Detecting Conjunctive Query Differences between ELHr-Terminologies using Hypergraphs
In Meghyn Bienvenu and Magdalena Ortiz and Riccardo Rosati and Mantas Simkus, eds., Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 287-298, 2014
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Michel Ludwig, Rafael Peñaloza
Error-Tolerant Reasoning in the Description Logic EL
In Eduardo Fermé and João Leite, eds., Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA'14), volume 8761 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 107-121, 2014. Springer
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Michel Ludwig, Rafael Peñaloza
Brave and Cautious Reasoning in EL
In Meghyn Bienvenu and Magdalena Ortiz and Riccardo Rosati and Mantas Simkus, eds., Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 274-286, 2014
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Yue Ma, Rafael Peñaloza
Towards Parallel Repair: An Ontology Decomposition-based Approach
In Meghyn Bienvenu and Magdalena Ortiz and Riccardo Rosati and Mantas Simkus, eds., Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 633-645, 2014
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Theofilos Mailis, Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Employing DL-LiteR-Reasoners for Fuzzy Query Answering
In Thepchai Supnithi and Takahira Yamaguchi, eds., Proceedings of the 4th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST2014), 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
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Theofilos Mailis, Rafael Peñaloza, Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Conjunctive Query Answering in Finitely-valued Fuzzy Description Logics
In Roman Kontchakov and Marie-Laure Mugnier, eds., Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2014), volume 8741, 124-139, 2014. Springer
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Norbert Manthey
CDCL Solver Additions: Local Look-ahead, All-Unit-UIP Learning and On-the-fly Probing
In Carsten Lutz and Michael Tielscher, eds., KI 2014: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, volume 8736 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 98-110, 2014. Springer
Norbert Manthey
Extended Resolution in Modern SAT Solving
Joint Automated Reasoning Workshop and Deduktionstreffen, 2014
Norbert Manthey, Tobias Philipp, Peter Steinke
A More Compact Translation of Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into CNF such that Generalized Arc Consistency is Maintained
In Carsten Lutz and Michael Tielscher, eds., KI 2014: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, volume 8736 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 123-134, 2014. Springer
Norbert Manthey
Generating Clique Coloring Problem Formulas
In Anton Belov and Daniel Diepold and Marijn J.H. Heule and Matti Järvisalo, eds., Proceedings of SAT Competition 2014, volume B-2014-2 of Department of Computer Science Series of Publications B, 89, 2014. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Norbert Manthey, Peter Steinke
Too Many Rooks
In Anton Belov and Daniel Diepold and Marijn J.H. Heule and Matti Järvisalo, eds., Proceedings of SAT Competition 2014, volume B-2014-2 of Department of Computer Science Series of Publications B, 97-98, 2014. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Norbert Manthey
In Anton Belov and Daniel Diepold and Marijn J.H. Heule and Matti Järvisalo, eds., Proceedings of SAT Competition 2014, volume B-2014-2 of Department of Computer Science Series of Publications B, 48, 2014. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Norbert Manthey
Riss 4.27
In Anton Belov and Daniel Diepold and Marijn J.H. Heule and Matti Järvisalo, eds., Proceedings of SAT Competition 2014, volume B-2014-2 of Department of Computer Science Series of Publications B, 65-67, 2014. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Norbert Manthey, Tobias Philipp
Formula Simplifications as DRAT Derivations
In Carsten Lutz and Michael Tielscher, eds., KI 2014: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, volume 8736 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 111-122, 2014. Springer
Francisco Martin-Recuerda, Dirk Walther
Fast Modularisation and Atomic Decomposition of Ontologies using Axiom Dependency Hypergraphs
In Peter Mika and Tania Tudorache and Abraham Bernstein and Chris Welty and Craig Knoblock and Denny Vrandecic and Paul Groth and Natasha Noy and Krzysztof Janowicz and Carole Goble, eds., Proceedings of the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), Part II, volume 8797 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 49-64, 2014. Springer
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Francisco Martin-Recuerda, Dirk Walther
Axiom Dependency Hypergraphs for Fast Modularisation and Atomic Decomposition
In Meghyn Bienvenu and Magdalena Ortiz and Riccardo Rosati and Mantas Simkus, eds., Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 299-310, 2014
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Dorian Merz, Rafael Peñaloza, Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Reasoning in ALC with Fuzzy Concrete Domains
In Carsten Lutz and Michael Thielscher, eds., Proceedings of 37th edition of the German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI'14), volume 8736 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 171-182, 2014. Springer
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Marie-Laure Mugnier, Michaël Thomazo
An Introduction to Ontology-Based Query Answering with Existential Rules
Reasoning Web Summer School, 245-278, 2014. Springer
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Van-Hau Nguyen, Thai Mai Son
Solving the All-Interval Series Problem: SAT vs CP
5th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, SoICT '14, Hanoi, Viet Nam - December 04 - 05, 2014, to appear, 2014
Luís Moniz Pereira, Emmanuelle-Anna Dietz, Steffen Hölldobler
A Computational Logic Approach to the Belief Bias Effect
In Chitta Baral, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Thomas Eiter, eds., 14th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 20-24, 2014, 2014. AAAI Press
Rafael Peñaloza
Automata-based Reasoning in Fuzzy Description Logics
In Tommaso Flaminio and Lluis Godo and Siegfried Gottlob and Erich Peter Klement, eds., Proceedings of the 35th Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory, 106-106, 2014
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Rafael Peñaloza, Aparna Saisree Thuluva
COBRA, a Demo
In C. Maria Keet and Valentina Tamma, eds., Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED 2014), volume 1265 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2014
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Rafael Peñaloza, Veronika Thost, Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Certain Answers in a Rough World
In Meghyn Bienvenu and Magdalena Ortiz and Riccardo Rosati and Mantas Simkus, eds., Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 709-712, 2014
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Tobias Philipp
Clause Simplifications in Search-Space Decomposition-Based SAT Solvers
In Ulle Endriss, João Leite, eds., 7th European Starting AI Researcher Symposium (STAIRS), volume 264 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 211-219, 2014. IOS Press
Sebastian Rudolph
The Two Views on Ontological Query Answering
In Georg Gottlob, Jorge Pérez, eds., Proceedings of the 8th Alberto Mendelzon Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, volume 1189 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, June 2014. CEUR
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Sebastian Rudolph
On the Succinctness of Closure Operator Representations
In Cynthia Vera Glodeanu, Mehdi Kaytoue, Christian Sacarea, eds., Proc. 12th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis (ICFCA 2014), volume 8478 of LNCS, 15-36, June 2014. Springer
Hannes Straß
Implementing Instantiation of Knowledge Bases in Argumentation Frameworks
In Simon Parsons and Nir Oren and Chris Reed, eds., Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA), volume 266 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 475--476, September 2014. IOS Press
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Hannes Straß
On the Relative Expressiveness of Argumentation Frameworks, Normal Logic Programs and Abstract Dialectical Frameworks
In Sébastien Konieczny and Hans Tompits, eds., Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR), July 2014
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Hannes Straß, Johannes Peter Wallner
Analyzing the Computational Complexity of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks via Approximation Fixpoint Theory
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR), 101--110, July 2014. AAAI Press
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Ilias Tachmazidis, Long Cheng, Spyros Kotoulas, Grigoris Antoniou, Tomas E Ward
Massively Parallel Reasoning under the Well-Founded Semantics using X10
Proc. 26th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'14), 162-169, November 2014. IEEE
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Michaël Thomazo, Sebastian Rudolph
Mixing Materialization and Query Rewriting for Existential Rules
Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'14), 897-902, 2014. IOS Press
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Christoph Wernhard
Second-Order Characterizations of Definientia in Formula Classes
In Alexander Bolotov and Manfred Kerber, eds., Joint Automated Reasoning Workshop and Deduktionstreffen (ARW-DT 2014), 36-37, 2014
Christoph Wernhard
Application Patterns of Projection/Forgetting
In Laura Kovacs and Georg Weissenbacher, eds., Workshop on Interpolation: From Proofs to Applications (iPRA 2014), 2014
Johannes Wollbold, Rüdiger Köhling, Daniel Borchmann
Attribute Exploration with Proper Premises and Incomplete Knowledge Applied to the Free Radical Theory of Ageing
In Cynthia Vera Glodeanu, Mehdi Kaytoue, Christian Sacarea, eds., Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis (ICFCA 2014), volume 8478 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 268-283, 2014. Springer
Benjamin Zarrieß, Jens Claßen
On the Decidability of Verifying LTL Properties of Golog Programs
Proceedings of the AAAI 2014 Spring Symposium: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Robotics (KRR'14), to appear. AAAI Press
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Book Chapters

Dagmar Gromann, Thierry Declerck
A cross-lingual correcting and completive method for multilingual ontology labels
In Paul Buitelaar Philipp Cimiano, eds., Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web - Principles, Methods and Applications, chapter A cross-lingual correcting and completive method for multilingual ontology labels, 227-242. Springer, 2014
Markus Krötzsch, František Simančík, Ian Horrocks
A Description Logic Primer
In Jens Lehmann, Johanna Völker, eds., Perspectives on Ontology Learning, chapter 1. IOS Press, 2014

Edited Proceedings

Karell Bertet, Sebastian Rudolph
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, Košice, Slovakia, October 7-10, 2014
Volume 1252 of CEUR, October 2014. CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Madalina Croitoru, Sebastian Rudolph, Stefan Woltran, Christophe Gonzales
Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning - Third International Workshop, GKR 2013, Beijing, China, August 3, 2013. Revised Selected Papers
Volume 8323 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014. Springer
Steffen Hölldobler, Andrey Malikov, Christoph Wernhard
Proceedings of the Young Scientists' International Workshop on Trends in Information Processing, YSIP
Volume 1145 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2014.
Thomas Lukasiewicz, Rafael Peñaloza Nyssen, Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness
Volume 1205 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2014. CEUR

Doctoral Theses

Daniel Borchmann
Learning Terminological Knowledge with High Confidence from Erroneous Data
Phd thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, 2014/09/09
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Long Cheng
A Scalable Analysis Framework for Large-scale RDF Data
Phd thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth, 2014/08/07
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Norbert Manthey
Towards Next Generation Sequential and Parallel SAT Solvers
Phd thesis, TU Dresden, 2014/12/01

Technical Reports

Franz Baader, Barbara Morawska
Matching with respect to general concept inclusions in the Description Logic EL
Technical Report, Chair of Automata Theory, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden, volume 14-03, 2014. LTCS-Report
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Franz Baader, Marcel Lippmann
Runtime Verification Using a Temporal Description Logic Revisited
Technical Report, Chair of Automata Theory, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden, volume 14-01, 2014. LTCS-Report
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Stefan Borgwardt
The Complexity of Fuzzy Description Logics over Finite Lattices with Nominals
Technical Report, Chair of Automata Theory, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden, volume 14-02, 2014. LTCS-Report
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Stefan Borgwardt, Marcel Lippmann, Veronika Thost
Reasoning with Temporal Properties over Axioms of DL-Lite
Technical Report, Chair of Automata Theory, TU Dresden, volume 14-06, 2014. LTCS-Report
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Pierre Bourhis, Markus Krötzsch, Sebastian Rudolph
Query Containment for Highly Expressive Datalog Fragments
Technical Report,, volume CoRR abs/1406.7801, January 2014
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Štěpán Holub, Tomáš Masopust, Michaël Thomazo
Alternating Towers and Piecewise Testable Separators
Technical Report,, volume CoRR abs/1409.3943, September 2014
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Jan Komenda, Tomáš Masopust, Jan H. van Schuppen
Maximally Permissive Coordination Supervisory Control - Towards Necessary and Sufficient Conditions
Technical Report,, volume CoRR abs/1403.4762, March 2014
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Jan Komenda, Tomáš Masopust, Jan H. van Schuppen
A Note on Relative Observability in Coordination Control
Technical Report,, volume CoRR abs/1404.2195, April 2014
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Michel Ludwig, Rafael Peñaloza
Error-Tolerant Reasoning in the Description Logic EL
Technical Report, Chair of Automata Theory, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden, volume 14-11, 2014. LTCS-Report
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Yue Ma, Rafael Peñaloza
Towards Parallel Repair Using Decompositions
Technical Report, Chair of Automata Theory, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden, volume 14-05, 2014. LTCS-Report
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Tomáš Masopust, Michaël Thomazo
On k-piecewise testability (preliminary report)
Technical Report,, volume CoRR abs/1412.1641, December 2014
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Rafael Peñaloza, Veronika Thost, Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Conjunctive Query Answering in Rough EL
Technical Report, Chair of Automata Theory, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden, volume 14-04, 2014. LTCS-Report
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Sebastian Rudolph, Birte Glimm
Nominals, Inverses, Counting, and Conjunctive Queries or: Why Infinity is your Friend
Technical Report, Technischen Universität Dresden, 2014
Peter Steinke, Norbert Manthey
PBLib — A C++ Toolkit for EncodingPseudo–Boolean Constraints into CNF
Technical Report, TU Dresden, volume 2014-01, 2014. Technical Report
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Christoph Wernhard
Second-Order Characterizations of Definientia in Formula Classes
Technical Report, Technische Universität Dresden, volume Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 14-03, 2014
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Christoph Wernhard
Expressing View-Based Query Processing and Related Approaches with Second-Order Operators
Technical Report, Technische Universität Dresden, volume Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 14--02, 2014
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Talks and Miscellaneous

Steffen Hölldobler
Semantic Technologies (Swap and Transfer Workshops)
University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, September 2014
Steffen Hölldobler
From Human Reasoning Episodes to Connectionist Models (Dagstuhl Seminar)
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics, Dagstuhl, Deutschland, September 2014
Steffen Hölldobler
Computational Logic and Human Reasoning Episodes
Jilin University, Changchun, China, November 2014
Steffen Hölldobler
SAT-Solving: State-of-the-Art and Challenges (INFOCOM-6)
North-Caucasus Federal University, Stawropol, Russland, April 2014
Steffen Hölldobler
Connectionist Model Generation
Jilin University, Changchun, China, November 2014
Steffen Hölldobler
Answer Set Programming and Clasp (INFOCOM-6)
North-Caucasus Federal University, Stawropol, Russland, April 2014
Steffen Hölldobler
SAT Solving - Scheduling, Generic CDCL, Partitioning
Jilin University, Changchun, China, November 2014
Steffen Hölldobler
Advanced Petri Nets and the Fluent Calculus (INFOCOM-6)
North-Caucasus Federal University, Stawropol, Russland, April 2014
Steffen Hölldobler
TU Dresden and Computer Science
Jilin University, Changchun, China, November 2014
Jana Kittelmann, Christoph Wernhard
Semantik, Linked Data, Web-Präsentation: Grundlagen der Nachlasserschließung im Portal
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Workshop Datenmodellierung in digitalen Briefeditionen und ihre interpretatorische Leistung, May 2014
Norbert Manthey
Extended Resolution in Modern SAT Solving
Wien, Österreich - Joint Automated Reasoning Workshop and Deduktionstreffen, July 2014
Norbert Manthey
Formula Simplifications as DRAT Derivations
Stuttgart, Deutschland - German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, September 2014
Norbert Manthey
CDCL Solver Additions: Local Look-ahead, All-Unit-UIP Learning and On-the-fly Probing
Stuttgart, Deutschland - German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, September 2014
Tobias Philipp
Validating Unsatisfiability Results of Clause Sharing Parallel SAT Solvers
Vienna Austria - Pragmatics of SAT 2014, July 2014
Tobias Philipp
Generic CDCL - A Formalization of Modern Propositional Satisfiability Solvers
Stavropol, Russian Federation - Young Scientists' International Workshop on Trends in Information Processing, April 2014
Tobias Philipp
Generic CDCL - A Formalization of Modern Propositional Satisfiability Solvers
Vienna Austria - Pragmatics of SAT 2014, July 2014
Christoph Wernhard
Application Patterns of Projection/Forgetting
Vienna, Austria, Workshop on Interpolation: From Proofs to Applications (iPRA 2014), July 2014
Christoph Wernhard
Second-Order Characterizations of Definientia in Formula Classes
Vienna, Austria, Joint Automated Reasoning Workshop and Deduktionstreffen (ARW-DT 2014), July 2014