Boosting the Performance of SLS and CDCL Solvers by Preprocessor Tuning

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Boosting the Performance of SLS and CDCL Solvers by Preprocessor Tuning

Adrian BalintAdrian Balint,  Norbert MantheyNorbert Manthey
Boosting the Performance of SLS and CDCL Solvers by Preprocessor Tuning

Adrian Balint, Norbert Manthey
Boosting the Performance of SLS and CDCL Solvers by Preprocessor Tuning
Pragmatics of SAT(POS'13), 2013
  author    = {Adrian Balint and Norbert Manthey},
  title     = {Boosting the Performance of {SLS} and {CDCL} Solvers by
               Preprocessor Tuning},
  booktitle = {Pragmatics of {SAT(POS'13)}},
  year      = {2013}