Concurrent Production, Consumption and Occupation

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Concurrent Production, Consumption and Occupation

Sven-Erik BornscheuerSven-Erik Bornscheuer,  Helko LehmannHelko Lehmann
Concurrent Production, Consumption and Occupation

Sven-Erik Bornscheuer, Helko Lehmann
Concurrent Production, Consumption and Occupation
In M.-A. Williams, eds., JCAI'97 Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change, 52-64, 1997
  author    = {Sven-Erik Bornscheuer and Helko Lehmann},
  title     = {Concurrent Production, Consumption and Occupation},
  editor    = {M.-A. Williams},
  booktitle = {JCAI'97 Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change},
  year      = {1997},
  pages     = {52-64}