Synthesis of Reo Connectors for Strategies and Controllers

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Synthesis of Reo Connectors for Strategies and Controllers

Christel BaierChristel Baier,  Joachim KleinJoachim Klein,  Sascha KlüppelholzSascha Klüppelholz
Christel Baier, Joachim Klein, Sascha Klüppelholz
Synthesis of Reo Connectors for Strategies and Controllers
Fundamenta Informaticae, 130(1):1--20, 2014
  • KurzfassungAbstract
    In controller synthesis, i.e., the question whether there is a controller or strategy to achieve some objective in a given system, the controller is often realized as some kind of automaton. In the context of the exogenous coordination language Reo, where the coordination glue code between the components is realized as a network of channels, it is desirable for such synthesized controllers to also take the form of a Reo connector built from a repertoire of basic channels. In this paper, we address the automatic construction of such Reo connectors directly from a constraint automaton representation.
  • Forschungsgruppe:Research Group: Verifikation und formale quantitative Analyse„Verifikation und formale quantitative Analyse“ befindet sich nicht in der Liste (Computational Logic, Automatentheorie, Wissensverarbeitung, Knowledge-Based Systems, Knowledge Systems, Wissensbasierte Systeme, Logische Programmierung und Argumentation, Algebra und Diskrete Strukturen, Knowledge-aware Artificial Intelligence, Algebraische und logische Grundlagen der Informatik) zulässiger Werte für das Attribut „Forschungsgruppe“.Algebraic and Logical Foundations of Computer Science
  author  = {Christel Baier and Joachim Klein and Sascha Kl{\"{u}}ppelholz},
  title   = {Synthesis of Reo Connectors for Strategies and Controllers},
  journal = {Fundamenta Informaticae},
  volume  = {130},
  number  = {1},
  year    = {2014},
  pages   = {1--20},
  doi     = {10.3233/FI-2014-980}