Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Dies ist eine Eigenschaft des Typs Zeichenkette.
Artificial Intelligence +
Journal of Symbolic Logic +
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences +
Semantic Web Journal +
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Special Track on Deep Learning, Knowledge Representation, and Reasoning +
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logic +
Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence AI*IA Notizie +
Journal of Logic and Computation +
Journal of Logic and Computation +
J. of Logic and Computation +
Acta Anatomica +
A Logical Analysis of Instrumentality Judgments: Means-End Relations in the Context of Experience and Expectations +
Journal of Philosophical Logic +
Logos & Episteme +
J. Applied Non-Classical Logics +
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science +
Information Processing Letters +
Journal of Automated Reasoning +
Journal of Automated Reasoning. Special Issue on on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods +