Publications of Christoph Wernhard
From International Center for Computational Logic
Publications of Christoph Wernhard
Journal Articles
Emmanuelle-Anna Dietz, Steffen Hölldobler, Christoph Wernhard
Modeling the Suppression Task under Weak Completion and Well-Founded Semantics
Journal of Applied Non-Classsical Logics, 24(1--2):61-85, 2014
Christoph Wernhard
Projection and Scope-Determined Circumscription
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 47:1089-1108, 2012
Proceedings Articles
Christoph Wernhard
The Boolean Solution Problem from the Perspective of Predicate Logic
In Clare Dixon, Marcelo Finger, eds., 11th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems, FroCoS 2017, volume 10483 of LNCS (LNAI), 333-350, 2017. Springer
Christoph Wernhard
Approximating Resultants of Existential Second-Order Quantifier Elimination upon Universal Relational First-Order Formulas
In Patrick Koopmann, Sebastian Rudolph, Renate A. Schmidt, Christoph Wernhard, eds., Proceedings of the Workshop on Second-Order Quantifier Elimination and Related Topics (SOQE 2017), volume 2013 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 82-98, 2017.
Jana Kittelmann, Christoph Wernhard
Knowledge-Based Support for Scholarly Editing and Text Processing
DHd 2016 – Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum: Modellierung – Vernetzung – Visualisierung. Die Digital Humanities als fächerübergreifendes Forschungsparadigma. Konferenzabstracts., 176-179, 2016. nisaba verlag
Jana Kittelmann, Christoph Wernhard
Towards Knowledge-Based Assistance for Scholarly Editing
In Thomas C. Hales, Cezary Kaliszyk, Stephan Schulz, Josef Urban, eds., 1st Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving, AITP 2016 (Book of Abstracts), 29-31, 2016
Christoph Wernhard
The PIE system for Proving, Interpolating and Eliminating
In Pascal Fontaine, Stephan Schulz, Josef Urban, eds., 5th Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning (PAAR), volume 1635 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 125-138, 2016
Christoph Wernhard
Second-Order Quantifier Elimination on Relational Monadic Formulas – A Basic Method and Some Less Expected Applications
In Hans de Nivelle, eds., Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods: 24th International Conference, TABLEAUX 2015, volume 9323 of LLNCS (LNAI), 249-265, 2015. Springer
Jana Kittelmann, Christoph Wernhard
Semantik, Linked Data, Web-Präsentation: Grundlagen der NachlasserschlieÃung im Portal
In Anne Baillot and Anna Busch, eds., Workshop Datenmodellierung in digitalen Briefeditionen und ihre interpretatorische Leistung, 2014
Christoph Wernhard
Application Patterns of Projection/Forgetting
In Laura Kovacs and Georg Weissenbacher, eds., Workshop on Interpolation: From Proofs to Applications (iPRA 2014), 2014
Christoph Wernhard
Second-Order Characterizations of Definientia in Formula Classes
In Alexander Bolotov and Manfred Kerber, eds., Joint Automated Reasoning Workshop and Deduktionstreffen (ARW-DT 2014), 36-37, 2014
Norbert Manthey, Tobias Philipp, Christoph Wernhard
Soundness of Inprocessing in Clause Sharing SAT Solvers
In Matti Järvisalo and Allen Van Gelder, eds., Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, 16th International Conference, SAT 2013, volume 7962 of LNCS, 22-39, 2013. Springer
Christoph Wernhard
Computing with Logic as Operator Elimination: The ToyElim System
In Hans Tompits and Salvador Abreu and Johannes Oetsch and Jörg Pührer and Dietmar Seipel and Masanobu Umeda and Armin Wolf, eds., Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, 19th International Conference (INAP 2011) and 25th Workshop on Logic Programming(WLP 2011), Revised Selected Papers, volume 7773 of LNCS (LNAI), 289-296, 2013. Springer
Christoph Wernhard
Abduction in Logic Programming as Second-Order Quantifier Elimination
In Pascal Fontaine and Christophe Ringeissen and Renate A. Schmidt, eds., 9th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems, FroCoS 2013, volume 8152 of LNCS (LNAI), 103-119, 2013. Springer
Christoph Wernhard
Towards a Declarative Approach to Model Human Reasoning with Nonmonotonic Logics
In Thomas Barkowsky and Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg, eds., Human Reasoning and Automated Deduction: KI 2012 Workshop Proceedings, volume SFB/TR 8 Report 032-09/2012 of Report Series of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition, 41-48, 2012. Universität Bremen / Universität Freiburg, Germany
Steffen Hölldobler, Tobias Philipp, Christoph Wernhard
An Abductive Model for Human Reasoning (Poster Paper)
Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, Papers from the AAAI 2011 Spring Symposium, AAAI Spring Symposium Series Technical Reports, 135-138, 2011. AAAI Press
Christoph Wernhard
Computing with Logic as Operator Elimination: The ToyElim System
Proceedings of the 25th Workshop on Logic Programming, WLP 2011, 2011
Christoph Wernhard
Circumscription and Projection as Primitives of Logic Programming
In M. Hermenegildo and T. Schaub, eds., Technical Communications of the 26th International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP'10, volume 7 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 2010. Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik
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Christoph Wernhard
Literal Projection and Circumscription
In Nicolas Peltier and Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, eds., Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving, FTP'09, volume 556 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2010
Christoph Wernhard
Tableaux for Projection Computation and Knowledge Compilation
In Martin Giese and Arild Waaler, eds., Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, 18th International Conference, TABLEAUX 2009, volume 5607 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 325-340, 2009. Springer
Christoph Wernhard
Literal Projection and Circumscription
In Nicolas Peltier and Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, eds., International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving, FTP'09, 2009. University of Oslo
Book Chapters
Jana Kittelmann, Christoph Wernhard
Semantik, Web, Metadaten und digitale Edition: Grundlagen und Ziele der Erschließung neuer Quellen des Branitzer Pückler-Archivs
In Irene Krebs and others, eds., Resonanzen. Pücklerforschung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst. Ein Konferenzbericht., 179-202. trafo Verlag, 2013
Edited Proceedings
Patrick Koopmann, Sebastian Rudolph, Renate A. Schmidt, Christoph Wernhard
Proceedings of the Workshop on Second-Order Quantifier Elimination and Related Topics (SOQE 2017)
Volume 2013 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2017.
Steffen Hölldobler, Andrey Malikov, Christoph Wernhard
Proceedings of the Young Scientists' International Workshop on Trends in Information Processing, YSIP
Volume 1145 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2014.
Technical Reports
Christoph Wernhard
Craig Interpolation and Access Interpolation with Clausal First-Order Tableaux
Technical Report, TU Dresden, volume 18-01, 2018. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Christoph Wernhard
The Boolean Solution Problem from the Perspective of Predicate Logic – Extended Version
Technical Report, TU Dresden, volume 17-01, 2017. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Christoph Wernhard
Second-Order Quantifier Elimination on Relational Monadic Formulas – A Basic Method and Some Less Expected Applications (Extended Version)
Technical Report, TU Dresden, volume 15-04, 2015. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Christoph Wernhard
Heinrich Behmann's Contributions to Second-Order Quantifier Elimination from the View of Computational Logic
Technical Report, TU Dresden, volume 15-05, 2015. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Christoph Wernhard
Expressing View-Based Query Processing and Related Approaches with Second-Order Operators
Technical Report, Technische Universität Dresden, volume Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 14--02, 2014
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Christoph Wernhard
Second-Order Characterizations of Definientia in Formula Classes
Technical Report, Technische Universität Dresden, volume Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 14-03, 2014
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Emmanuelle-Anna Dietz, Steffen Hölldobler, Christoph Wernhard
Modeling the Suppression Task under Weak Completion and Well-Founded Semantics
Technical Report, Technische Universität Dresden, volume 2, 2013
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Christoph Wernhard
Abduction in Logic Programming as Second-Order Quantifier Elimination
Technical Report, TU Dresden, volume KRR 13-05, 2013
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Christoph Wernhard
Forward Human Reasoning Moedeld by Logic Programming Modeled by Classical Logic with Circumscription and Projection
Technical Report, TU Dresden, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 2011
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Talks and Miscellaneous
Christoph Wernhard
Craig Interpolation and Query Reformulation with Clausal First-Order Tableaux
Poster presentation at TABLEAUX 2017, Brasilia, September 2017
Christoph Wernhard
Some Fragments Towards Establishing Completeness Properties of Second-Order Quantifier Elimination Methods
Poster presentation at Jahrestreffen der GI Fachgruppe Deduktionssysteme, associated with CADE 25, August 2015
Jana Kittelmann, Christoph Wernhard
Semantik, Linked Data, Web-Präsentation: Grundlagen der Nachlasserschließung im Portal
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Workshop Datenmodellierung in digitalen Briefeditionen und ihre interpretatorische Leistung, May 2014
Christoph Wernhard
Second-Order Characterizations of Definientia in Formula Classes
Vienna, Austria, Joint Automated Reasoning Workshop and Deduktionstreffen (ARW-DT 2014), July 2014
Christoph Wernhard
Application Patterns of Projection/Forgetting
Vienna, Austria, Workshop on Interpolation: From Proofs to Applications (iPRA 2014), July 2014
Christoph Wernhard
Towards a Declarative Approach to Model Human Reasoning with Nonmonotonic Logics
Workshop Human Reasoning and Automated Deduction, KI 2012, Saarbrücken, Germany, September 2012