D1.4.1 Initial Framework for Measuring and Evaluating Heuristic Problem Solving
From International Center for Computational Logic
D1.4.1 Initial Framework for Measuring and Evaluating Heuristic Problem Solving
Zhisheng HuangZhisheng Huang, Annette ten TeijeAnnette ten Teije, Frank van HarmelenFrank van Harmelen, Gaston TagniGaston Tagni, Hansjorg NethHansjorg Neth, Lael SchoolerLael Schooler, Sebastian RudolphSebastian Rudolph, Pascal HitzlerPascal Hitzler, Tuvshintur TserendorjTuvshintur Tserendorj, Yi HuangYi Huang, Danica DamljanovicDanica Damljanovic, Angus RobertsAngus Roberts

Zhisheng Huang, Annette ten Teije, Frank van Harmelen, Gaston Tagni, Hansjorg Neth, Lael Schooler, Sebastian Rudolph, Pascal Hitzler, Tuvshintur Tserendorj, Yi Huang, Danica Damljanovic, Angus Roberts
D1.4.1 Initial Framework for Measuring and Evaluating Heuristic Problem Solving
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, LarKC Project Deliverable, September 2009
D1.4.1 Initial Framework for Measuring and Evaluating Heuristic Problem Solving
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, LarKC Project Deliverable, September 2009
- KurzfassungAbstract
One of the key aspects in the development of LarKC is how to evaluate the performance of the platform and its constituent components in order to guarantee that the execution of a pipeline will match the user’s needs and provide the desired solutions (answers) to the user’s queries. Therefore, in this deliverable, the first in a series three documents concerned with the definition of a Framework for Measuring and Evaluating Heuristic Problem Solving, we make the first steps towards defining such framework by considering the theoretical foundations and principles of evaluation and measurement theory, discussing several important aspects related to the process of evaluating LarKC and its platform and, reporting on several dimensions and methods by which the components of the platform and the platform itself can be evaluated. Our primary interest in the context of this deliverable is a formative evaluation framework that is designed by the members of the LarKC project and aims to identify project strengths and weaknesses, focus managerial and research efforts, and measure progress towards achieving the project goals. Such a framework can also serve as the foundation for a subsequent summative evaluation. - Forschungsgruppe:Research Group: Computational LogicComputational Logic
author = {Zhisheng Huang and Annette ten Teije and Frank van Harmelen and
Gaston Tagni and Hansjorg Neth and Lael Schooler and Sebastian
Rudolph and Pascal Hitzler and Tuvshintur Tserendorj and Yi
Huang and Danica Damljanovic and Angus Roberts},
title = {D1.4.1 Initial Framework for Measuring and Evaluating Heuristic
Problem Solving},
institution = {Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam},
year = {2009},
month = {September}