Foundations of Logic Programming

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Foundations of Logic Programming

Lehrveranstaltung mit SWS 2/0/0 (Vorlesung/Übung/Praktikum) in WS 2020


Umfang (SWS)

  • 2/0/0



  • Mündliche Prüfung


  • All examinations will be oral remote exams.
  • The exams will take place on the 5th of March (Friday).
  • In a first step, students have to register for the exam by following the usual procedure for their study program and module. For students in the CMS program, it is sufficient to register via SELMA.
  • In a second step, once the examination date is known, students must contact the CL secretary ( to ask for a time slot and, if applicable, submit the registration forms they obtained from the examination office. CMS students do not need to submit registration forms.
  • The duration of exams for KR will be 20 minutes, unless another length is required and clearly stated in the email to the KBS secretary.
  • Exams are "closed book" (i.e., additional materials and lecture notes are not permitted).
  • Registration with the secretary must happen happen until 26th of February the latest.

Q&A Session, 1st of February

Will start at 16:40 under the following zoom link:


Logic programming supports the declarative programming paradigm, which describes the solution logically rather than how to compute it. This introductory course covers the fundamental topics of logic programming such as rule-based syntax, procedural and declarative semantics, negation, the logic programming language PROLOG, and answer set programming (ASP).

Schedule and Location

During the winter term 2020/21, the lecture will be virtual.

All dates are published on this page (see Dates & Materials above)

  • The weekly lecture sessions will be prerecorded as video and uploaded here ahead of the corresponding Monday.
  • Krzysztof R. Apt. From Logic Programming to Prolog. Prentice Hall 1997.
  • Martin Gebser, Roland Kaminski, Benjamin Kaufmann and Torsten Schaub. Answer Set Solving in Practice. Morgan and Claypool 2012.

Veranstaltungskalender abonnieren (icalendar)

Vorlesung Introduction DS6, 26. Oktober 2020 in Asynchronous Datei
Vorlesung Unification DS6, 2. November 2020 in Asynchronous Datei
Vorlesung Procedural Interpretation DS6, 9. November 2020 in Asynchronous Datei
Vorlesung Pure Prolog DS6, 16. November 2020 in Asynchronous Datei
Vorlesung Negation: Procedural Interpretation DS6, 23. November 2020 in Asynchronous Datei
Vorlesung Declarative Interpretation I DS6, 30. November 2020 in Asynchronous Datei
Vorlesung Declarative Interpretation II DS6, 7. Dezember 2020 in Asynchronous
Vorlesung Negation: Declarative Interpretation DS6, 14. Dezember 2020 in Asynchronous Datei
Vorlesung Termination DS6, 4. Januar 2021 in Asynchronous Datei
Vorlesung ASP: Introduction DS6, 11. Januar 2021 in Asynchronous Datei
Vorlesung ASP: Stable Models DS6, 18. Januar 2021 in Asynchronous Datei
Vorlesung ASP: Solving DS6, 25. Januar 2021 in Asynchronous Datei
Vorlesung Q&A DS6, 1. Februar 2021 in Videokonferenz
