Towards Inconsistency Management in Reactive Multi-Context Systems
From International Center for Computational Logic
Towards Inconsistency Management in Reactive Multi-Context Systems
Gerhard BrewkaGerhard Brewka, Stefan EllmauthalerStefan Ellmauthaler, Ricardo GonçalvesRicardo Gonçalves, Matthias KnorrMatthias Knorr, João LeiteJoão Leite, Jörg PührerJörg Pührer
Gerhard Brewka, Stefan Ellmauthaler, Ricardo Gonçalves, Matthias Knorr, João Leite, Jörg Pührer
Towards Inconsistency Management in Reactive Multi-Context Systems
In Richard Booth, Giovanni Casini, Szymon Klarman, Gilles Richard, Ivan José Varzincza, eds., Proceedings of the International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning (DARe-16) co-located with the 22th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), The Hague, Holland, August 29, 2016, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2016.
Towards Inconsistency Management in Reactive Multi-Context Systems
In Richard Booth, Giovanni Casini, Szymon Klarman, Gilles Richard, Ivan José Varzincza, eds., Proceedings of the International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning (DARe-16) co-located with the 22th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), The Hague, Holland, August 29, 2016, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2016.
- KurzfassungAbstract
In this paper, we begin by introducing reactive multicontext systems (rMCSs), a framework for reactive reasoning in the presence of heterogeneous knowledge sources. In particular, we show how to integrate data streams into multi-context systems (MCSs) and how to model the dynamics of the systems, based on two types of bridge rules. We then discuss various methods for handling inconsistencies, a problem that occurs with reasoning based on multiple knowledge sources that need to be integrated, with a special focus on non-existence of equilibria. - Weitere Informationen unter:Further Information: Link
- Forschungsgruppe:Research Group: Wissensbasierte SystemeKnowledge-Based Systems
author = {Gerhard Brewka and Stefan Ellmauthaler and Ricardo
Gon{\c{c}}alves and Matthias Knorr and Jo{\~{a}}o Leite and
J{\"{o}}rg P{\"{u}}hrer},
title = {Towards Inconsistency Management in Reactive Multi-Context
editor = {Richard Booth and Giovanni Casini and Szymon Klarman and Gilles
Richard and Ivan Jos{\'{e}} Varzincza},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Defeasible and
Ampliative Reasoning (DARe-16) co-located with the 22th European
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), The Hague,
Holland, August 29, 2016},
series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
publisher = {},
year = {2016}