Stefan Ellmauthaler

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Dr. Stefan Ellmauthaler

Wissenschaftlicher MitarbeiterTechnische Universität DresdenInternational Center for Computational Logic Wissensbasierte Systeme

Ich bin postdoktoraler wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Wissensbasierte Systeme Gruppe von Prof. Dr. Markus Krötzsch. Mein Bachelorstudium "medizinische Informatik" und mein Diplomingenieursstudium "Computational Intelligence" habe ich beide an der TU Wien in 2009 sowie 2012 abgeschlossen. 2018 verteidigte ich meine von Prof. Dr. Gerhard Brewka betreute Dissertation mit dem Titel "Multi-Content Reasoning in Cotinuous Data-Flow Environments" erfolgreich an der Universität Leipzig.

Meine Forschungsinteressen liegen im Bereich Wissensrepräsentation, Logikprogrammierung, Regelbasiertem Schließen, Multi-Context Schließen, Nichtmonotones Schließen und Argumentationstheorie.

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Elisa Böhl, Stefan Ellmauthaler, Sarah Alice Gaggl
Winning Snake: Design Choices in Multi-Shot ASP
Technical Report,, volume arXiv:2408.08150, August 2024. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Proceedings of ICLP 2024
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Elisa Böhl, Stefan Ellmauthaler, Sarah Alice Gaggl
Winning Snake: Design Choices in Multi-Shot ASP
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2024), to appear
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Alex Ivliev, Stefan Ellmauthaler, Lukas Gerlach, Maximilian Marx, Matthias Meißner, Simon Meusel, Markus Krötzsch
Nemo: First Glimpse of a New Rule Engine
In Enrico Pontelli, Stefania Costantini, Carmine Dodaro, Sarah Gaggl, Roberta Calegari, Artur D'Avila Garcez, Francesco Fabiano, Alessandra Mileo, Alessandra Russo, Francesca Toni, eds., Proceedings 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023), volume 385 of EPTCS, 333--335, September 2023
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Stefan Ellmauthaler, Lukas Gerlach
ADF-BDD.DEV: Insights to undecided Statements in Abstract Dialectical Frameworks
In Gianvincenzo Alfano, Stefano Ferilli, eds., Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Advances in Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence (AI^3 2023) co-located with the 22nd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2023), Rome, Italy, November 9, 2023, volume 3546 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, December 2023.
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Stefan Ellmauthaler, Lukas Gerlach
ADF-BDD.DEV: Debug Abstract Dialectical Frameworks with Binary Decision Diagrams
The Fourth Workshop on Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (XLoKR 2023), September 2023
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Stefan Ellmauthaler, Markus Krötzsch, Stephan Mennicke
Answering Queries with Negation over Existential Rules
Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022), 5626-5633, 2022. AAAI Press
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Stefan Ellmauthaler, Sarah Alice Gaggl, Dominik Rusovac, Johannes P. Wallner
Representing Abstract Dialectical Frameworks with Binary Decision Diagrams
In G. Gottlob, D Inclezan, M. Maratea, eds., Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2022), volume 13416 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 177-198, 2022. Springer
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Stefan Ellmauthaler, Sarah Alice Gaggl, Dominik Rusovac, Johannes P. Wallner
ADF - BDD : An ADF Solver Based on Binary Decision Diagrams
In Francesca Toni, eds., Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2022), volume 220146 of FAIA, 355-356, September 2022. IOS Press
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Stefan Ellmauthaler, Konstantin Schekotihin
Tutorial on Multi-Context Stream Reasoning
43rd German Conference on Artificial Intelligence Tutorial, September 2020
Stefan Ellmauthaler
Multi-Context Reasoning in Continuous Data-Flow Environments
KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 33(1):101-104, March 2019
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  • Programmkomiteemitglied der 27. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  • Co-Organisator des 5. International Workshop on Systems and Algorithms for Formal Argumentation


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