The Varieties of Ought-implies-Can and Deontic STIT Logic

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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The Varieties of Ought-implies-Can and Deontic STIT Logic

Kees van BerkelKees van Berkel,  Tim LyonTim Lyon
The Varieties of Ought-implies-Can and Deontic STIT Logic

Kees van Berkel, Tim Lyon
The Varieties of Ought-implies-Can and Deontic STIT Logic
In Fenrong Liu, Alessandra Marra, Paul Portner and Frederik Van De Putte, eds., Deontic Logic and Normative Systems: 15th International Conference, DEON 2020/2021, 57-76, July 2021. College Publications
  • KurzfassungAbstract
    STIT logic is a prominent framework for the analysis of interactive, multi-agent choicemaking. In the available deontic extensions of STIT, the principle of ought-impliescan (OiC) fulfils a central role. However, in the philosophical literature a variety of OiC interpretations have been discussed and, in fact, the most prevalent readings of OiC are either weaker or stronger than the one employed in the traditional STIT setting. This paper provides a modular framework for deontic STIT that accounts for a multitude of OiC principles. In particular, we order, discuss and formalize ten such readings. Furthermore, we indicate how these readings relate to other central metaethical principles. Last, we provide sound and complete sequent-style calculi for the various STIT logics accommodating these different OiC principles.
  • Weitere Informationen unter:Further Information: Link
  • Forschungsgruppe:Research Group: Computational LogicComputational Logic
  author    = {Kees van Berkel and Tim Lyon},
  title     = {The Varieties of Ought-implies-Can and Deontic {STIT} Logic},
  editor    = {Fenrong Liu and Alessandra Marra and Paul Portner and Frederik
               Van De Putte},
  booktitle = {Deontic Logic and Normative Systems: 15th International
               Conference, {DEON} 2020/2021},
  publisher = {College Publications},
  year      = {2021},
  month     = {July},
  pages     = {57-76}