Keys, Nominals, and Concrete Domains

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Keys, Nominals, and Concrete Domains

Carsten LutzCarsten Lutz,  C. ArecesC. Areces,  Ian HorrocksIan Horrocks,  Ulrike SattlerUlrike Sattler
Carsten Lutz, C. Areces, Ian Horrocks, Ulrike Sattler
Keys, Nominals, and Concrete Domains
Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-03, 2003. Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers
  • KurzfassungAbstract
    Many description logics (DLs) combine knowledge representation on an abstract, logical level with an interface to "concrete" domains such as numbers and strings. We propose to extend such DLs with key constraints that allow the expression of statements like "US citizens are uniquely identified by their social security number". Based on this idea, we introduce a number of natural description logics and present (un)decidability results and tight NExpTime complexity bounds.
  • Forschungsgruppe:Research Group: AutomatentheorieAutomata Theory
@inproceedings{ LuAcHoSa-IJCAI-03,
  address = {Acapulco, Mexico},
  author = {C. {Lutz} and C. {Areces} and I. {Horrocks} and U. {Sattler}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-03}},
  publisher = {Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers},
  title = {Keys, Nominals, and Concrete Domains},
  year = {2003},