Detecting Conjunctive Query Differences between ELHr-Terminologies using Hypergraphs

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Detecting Conjunctive Query Differences between ELHr-Terminologies using Hypergraphs

Michel LudwigMichel Ludwig,  Dirk WaltherDirk Walther
Michel Ludwig, Dirk Walther
Detecting Conjunctive Query Differences between ELHr-Terminologies using Hypergraphs
In Meghyn Bienvenu and Magdalena Ortiz and Riccardo Rosati and Mantas Simkus, eds., Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'14), volume 1193 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 287-298, 2014
  • KurzfassungAbstract
    We present a new method for detecting logical differences between EL-terminologies extended with role inclusions, domain and range restrictions of roles using a hypergraph representation of ontologies. In this paper we consider differences given by pairs consisting of a conjunctive query and of an ABox formulated over a vocabulary of interest. We define a simulation notion between such hypergraph representations and we show that the existence of simulations coincides with the absence of a logical difference. To demonstrate the practical applicability of our approach, we evaluate a prototype implementation on large ontologies.
  • Forschungsgruppe:Research Group: AutomatentheorieAutomata Theory
@inproceedings{ LuWa-DL14,
  author = {Michel {Ludwig} and Dirk {Walther}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics ({DL'14})},
  editor = {Meghyn {Bienvenu} and Magdalena {Ortiz} and Riccardo {Rosati} and Mantas {Simkus}},
  pages = {287--298},
  series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
  title = {Detecting Conjunctive Query Differences between ELHr-Terminologies using Hypergraphs},
  volume = {1193},
  year = {2014},