Seminar Rule-Based Paradigms in KR
Seminar Rule-Based Paradigms in KR
Lehrveranstaltung mit SWS 0/2/0 (Vorlesung/Übung/Praktikum) in WS 2021
Umfang (SWS)
- 0/2/0
- Hausarbeit
- Referat
[2021-12-13] The Elevator-Pitch Session will be held virtually [2021-12-01] Optional Consultation will be held virtually
[2021-10-19] Please note that due to the implementation of the 3G-Rules in Teaching, you need to be informed about the Declaration-Questionnaire in OPAL. You can find the link to this site directly in our OPAL-Course.
[2021-10-06] Matrix-channel available
The field of knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR) addresses how to represent, manipulate, and generate knowledge by accommodating a plethora of various paradigms. One basic principle follows the rule-based approach. There knowledge as well as additionally inferable knowledge is represented by a set of rules. One rule is usually in the form of a simple implication (i.e. A -> B), which intuitively states that "If the premise holds, the conclusion shall hold too".
This Seminar will be focused on different rule-based paradigms which has been investigated, applied, and has been relevant in the recent decades. The main topics will be
- Datalog
- Answer Set Programming
- Distributed rule-based reasoning formalisms
We offer a variety of topics, including conceptional and modelling aspects as well as analysis.
The goal of this course is to read, analyse, and understand a given scientific paper and prepare a report as well as a presentation of the topic. Therefore additional skills like basic literature search and the acquisition of knowledge on underlying concepts will be required and trained.
Schedule and Location
Wednesday, DS 5 (14:50 - 16:20). Please check "Dates and Materials" for further details and links to the virtual rooms. The introductory session will be online on Wednesday, October 13th.
Currently either a hybrid-mode or an on-site model is planned for this course and will be discussed at the Kickoff-Meeting on October 13th.
The optional consultations can be either in Room APB 3035 or APB 3027. I will be at Room 3027 at the start of the time-slot and will be at my office if no one shows up. On Wednesday, December, 1st the consultation will be held virtually. For further details please feel free to contact me.
Upon interest, we can provide seminar attendees with follow-up research-related tasks that may be later developed into master's or bachelor's theses, and/or publications.
Important Announcements will be communicated through our matrix-channel, so feel free to join the chat-channel.
Summary Paper & Slides
Please hand in your summary paper and slides by email to
Please, feel free to send me an email or a message at matrix if you have any further questions.
Note that it is mandatory to enroll to this course at Opal. Please go to the Opal-Course-Site and follow up to the Enrolment-Page you will find there.Interesting and general Papers
DB-Theory and Datalog as a query-language
- Abiteboul, S.; Hull, R. & Vianu, V. Foundations of databases. Addison-Wesley Reading, 1995, 8
High-level overview Paper on Answer Set Programming
- Brewka, G.; Eiter, T. & Truszczyʼnski, M. Answer set programming at a glance. Communications of the ACM, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2011, 54, 92-103
Dense and very in-depth Paper on Logic Programming
Recommendation: Hard to read from start to end, usually interesting to answer specific questions on one of the discussed topics
- Dantsin, E.; Eiter, T.; Gottlob, G. & Voronkov, A. Complexity and expressive power of logic programming. Proceedings of Computational Complexity. Twelfth Annual IEEE Conference, IEEE Comput. Soc, 2001, 33, 374-425
Research Papers
Answer Set Programming
- Eiter, Polleres: Towards automated integration of guess and check programs in answer set programming: a meta-interpreter and applications, TPLP 2006
- Weinzierl: Blending Lazy-Grounding and CDNL Search for Answer-Set Solving, LPNMR 2017
- Alferes, Brogi, Leite, Pereira: Evolving Logic Programs JELIA 2002
- Alviano, Dodaro, JÄrvisalo, Maratea, Previti: Cautious reasoning in ASP via minimal models and unsatifiable cores, TPLP 2018
- Gebser, Schaub: Tableau Calculi for Answer Set Programming, ICLP 2006: Logic Programming pp 11-25
- Deutsch, Nash, Remmel: The Chase Revisited, Proceedings of the 27th Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS'08), ACM, 2008, 149-158
- Baget, Leclère, Mugnier, Salvat: On rules with existential variables: Walking the decidability line , AIJ 2011
- Cali, Gottlob, Lukasiewicz: A general datalog-based framework for tractable query answering over ontologies, PODS 2009
Distributed Reasoning
- Dao-Tran, Eiter: Streaming Multi-Context Systems: IJCAI 2017,
- Brewka, Eiter, Fink, Weinzierl: Managed Multi-Context Systems, IJCAI 2011
* TPLP and AIJ paper are journal paper, and therefore longer with a broader point of view * in this case challenging paper * challenge to compress the information to the length-restrictions * students literature research is mostly focused on newer results, position in the scientific comunity and "missing links" * summary paper - hints for journal paper * Introduction needs to justify and motivate the choice of results and the need then and nowadays * conclusion needs to sum up the results and their value from the students point of view
* the other paper are conference paper * students literature research will be needed for preliminaries, newer work, and parallel/related work * challenge to reflect on the given information and present it with your own words * summary paper - hints for conference paper * introdcution needs to introduce the topic, position it within the field and reflect on historical and current need * conclusion needs to sum up the results and their value from the students point of view, a comparison with related work (if any).The difficulty of specific papers can be discussed during session 3 if one is unsure about the selection!
Veranstaltungskalender abonnieren (icalendar)
Seminar | Kickoff Meeting | DS5, 13. Oktober 2021 in Videokonferenz | Datei |
Seminar | Topic overview | DS5, 20. Oktober 2021 in APB 3027 | Datei |
Seminar | Topic Assignment, Organisational Matters | DS5, 27. Oktober 2021 in APB 3027 | Datei 1, Datei 2 |
Konsultation | Consultation (optional) | DS5, 3. November 2021 in APB 3027 | |
Konsultation | Consultation (optional) | DS5, 8. November 2021 in APB 3027 | |
Entfällt | Public Holiday | ||
Entfällt | No Consultation | ||
Konsultation | Consultation (optional) | DS5, 1. Dezember 2021 in Virtual | |
Entfällt | No Consultation due to sick leave | DS5, 8. Dezember 2021 in APB 3027 | |
Seminar | Elevator Pitch | DS5, 15. Dezember 2021 in Videokonferenz | |
Konsultation | Consultation (optional) | DS5, 5. Januar 2022 in Videokonferenz | |
Konsultation | Consultation (optional) - Reminder: Summary Paper Deadline | DS5, 12. Januar 2022 in Videokonferenz | |
Entfällt | No Consultation | DS5, 19. Januar 2022 in None | |
Konsultation | Slide Feedback and Consultation | DS5, 26. Januar 2022 in Videokonferenz | |
Seminar | Presentation (Seminar-Talk) | DS5, 2. Februar 2022 in Videokonferenz |