Semantisches Browsen
Aus International Center for Computational Logic
===Course Description===
The seminar intr … ===Course Description===</br></br>The seminar introduces selected topics of active research areas in the field of knowledge representation by analyzing introductory literature as well as research papers.</br>In particular, we will focus on three topics in this course:</br></br>1) Modal Logics</br></br>2) Non-monotonic Reasoning, and</br></br>3) Algorithms and Systems.</br></br>Since each topic will have an introductory session, this course is not only recommended to students who want to deepen their knowledge on knowledge representation, but also to those who are unfamiliar with these topics.</br></br>===Prerequisites===</br></br>Participants are expected to be familiar with propositional and first-order logic.</br></br>If possible, please register via [,-N000096,-N000000000000000,-N382104107358127,-N382104107326128,-N0,-N0 Selma course “K1107-MA0027S Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (S)”].</br></br>===Course Plan===</br></br>The seminar will now proceed as indicated in the “Dates and Materials” section.</br></br>Please send a draft of your slides at least one week (preferably two weeks) before the date of your talk to [ Hannes Straß] to get feedback.</br></br>All participants are expected to read the respective text before each presentation in order to be acquainted with the topic and to be able to actively contribute to a lively discussion. In case you cannot find a text, [ send an e-mail].</br></br>===Location===</br></br>The seminar will take place [ online via Zoom].</br></br></br>===Course Paper===</br></br>Send your research question (topic proposal) to [ Hannes Straß] by 15th August, 2022.</br></br>Once your topic is approved, you may commence writing your paper. Hand it in (again by [ e-mail]) until 19th September, e-mail]) until 19th September, 2022. +
* Rosja Mastop: '''Modal Logic for Artifi … </br>* Rosja Mastop: '''Modal Logic for Artificial Intelligence''' (2011)</br>* Frank van Harmelen, Vladimir Lifschitz, Bruce Porter (Eds.): '''Handbook of Knowledge Representation''' (2008)</br>* Ernest Davis, Leora Morgenstern: '''Epistemic Logic and its Applications. Tutorial Notes''' (2009)</br>* Grigoris Antoniou: '''A Tutorial on Default Logics''' (1999)</br>* Robert Moore: '''Semantical Considerations on Nonmonotonic Logic''' (1985)</br>* Raymond Reiter: '''Nonmonotonic Reasoning''' (1987)</br>* Martin Gebser, Roland Kaminski, Benjamin Kaufmann, Torsten Schaub: '''Answer Set Solving in Practice''' (2012)</br>'''Answer Set Solving in Practice''' (2012)
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Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +
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11. Juli 2022, 14:02:49 +
Hat Abfrage„Hat Abfrage <span style="font-size:small;">(Has query)</span>“ ist ein softwareseitig fest definiertes Attribut, das die Metainformationen einer Abfrage als <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Subobjekt</a> speichert. Es wird von <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a> zur Verfügung gestellt.
Hat Unterobjekt„Hat Unterobjekt <span style="font-size:small;">(Has subobject)</span>“ ist ein softwareseitig fest definiertes Attribut und stellt einen <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Datenverbund</a> dar. Es wird von <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a> zur Verfügung gestellt.
Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation + und Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +
Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +, Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation + und Seminar Logic-Based Knowledge Representation +